I guess the biggest event was really a non-event. Yet again, after making plans to get up for church, we didn't. I saw "we," but it's really because of me that we didn't go. Church has always been so important to me, and going on Sunday mornings at least was a priority. So why now can't I get myself up and go?
I'd love to say it's because of Patrick. I've always heard that it's just so much harder to get ready to go places with a baby around. And while that's true, that's way down there on my list of reasons to not go.
The biggest problem is that we don't have a home church. I think I may have mentioned before that with getting pregnant and being so sick combined with moving across town about the same time made our church search dwindle before it ever got started. I got used to sleeping in on Sunday mornings and now struggle to make myself get up early for any reason anymore. It's so much more difficult getting up to go do something social, especially with people I don't know. Those of you who know me know that I can be painfully shy. While I got better about that during college and my teaching years, staying at home with Patrick and rarely going out has sent me back to my old timid ways. I now get very nervous about any outing, no matter how ordinary. Going to an unfamiliar church full of unfamiliar people is too much for me to handle most days.
I'm scared about a lot of things. I'm scared that the church will follow an unfamiliar routine, and that I'll draw attention to myself by not knowing what to do when. I'm scared that Patrick will talk or cry at an inappropriate time. I'm scared that we'll have to take him to a nursery--again where I won't know the routine. I'm scared that I'll draw attention to myself by having to leave with him during the service. I'm scared that we'll stand out as visitors.
I'm also scared that nobody will notice us, that we will spend an hour or two among strangers who never give us a second glance. It's funny how much I don't want to have any attention drawn to me, yet I fear that very same thing, that it will be like we're invisible there.
I'm also afraid that Patrick will decide it's time to eat while we're there, which is almost a certainty given his usual schedule. He will only nurse anymore, which means I have to ask around to find a place to go feed him, and then I have the discomfort of new surroundings with the possibility of someone walking in on us. I would definitely have attention drawn to me as I left and came back as well.
All my fears combined overwhelm me on Sunday mornings. I'm usually already tired, so the draw of the bed beats out my waning desire to get myself ready for church. I know the only way to beat out all these fears is just to face them and get it over with. There is no way church, even a new one, can be nearly as bad as my fears make it out to be. But instead, I just let my fears take over. It seems so much easier that way on a sleepy Sunday morning.
Labels: Feelings