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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Patrick Found a New Toy
Technically, the toy itself isn't new; Patrick just hasn't played with it as a toy before. Are you ready to see this novel new toy?

Here it is!

I love how the most entertaining toys are usually the simplest--and often the cheapest. Who would have expected Mommy's fingers to be more fun than the Exersaucer, or the spoon more fun than his gym? The only problem with the spoon is that it can cause bigger messes. Perhaps that's why it's so entertaining. Just look at that face after he got his hand on the spoon.
He managed to get oatmeal everywhere from his leg to his eyelid. At least he missed his hair this time.

I also got some video of him playing with the spoon. It looks at first as though he is demanding more food (not that he would have eaten the oatmeal if I'd tried to feed him), and then he finally gives up and tries feeding himself. He didn't get much, but it wasn't for lack of trying!

I forgot to tell one other interesting story from the other day. Patrick bit Matt on the finger--and hard. He actually drew blood (and they say once they've tasted blood...). I feel kind of guilty about the whole thing because I had unintentionally set him up for the pain. I'd asked Matt to check Patrick's gums because he'd been showing signs of teething (by the way, the results were inconclusive). Then when Matt screamed and yanked his finger out of Patrick's mouth, I actually laughed. It's like I couldn't control it. I knew it hurt; I've been bitten before too, and in a much more sensitive spot. I felt guilty about laughing even before I knew he'd drawn blood. It's a little humorous now, but not so much when Matt was in a lot of pain. I don't know what got into me. I got paid back for my lack of compassion today, though. While we were at Target picking out more curtains for our house, Patrick bit the fire out of my finger too. He may not have drawn blood, but I understand better now how Matt felt the other day. We seem to have spawned a vampire who knows all too well how to use those fangs to the greatest effect.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh, what's the big deal, I look like that after I eat ribs. hehe
Hey, No vidio?

Blogger Tonya said...

lol @ the biting... he sure is a biter.. I think I have been bitten once by Randie and she has LOADS of

errr like papa said.. no video?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video worked and was really cute. He seems fascinated with that spoon. He's getting pretty coordinated with getting it to the mouth, too! Now he'll be wanting to help with that chore even more! Fun!!

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