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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Bonus 3 AM Post
At long last, they uploaded...

And since I happen to be up at three in the morning anyway without a prayer for sleep in my near future, why don't I tell you how I happen to be wide awake at such an ungodly hour?

Ok, so I mentioned at the more godly hour of noon--yesterday, I guess it is now--that I'd taken Midol early in the morning and that it sent me immediately into a blissful medicinal coma. About the time the drowsy effects of it finally wore off after lunch, the cramps returned. That's a first for me. Before Patrick, all I had to do was find the right combination of medicine to kill the cramps once and they would willingly retreat until the next month. Having to take a second dose of anything for cramps was unheard of until yesterday.

I knew to expect some changes with all my feminine parts post-Patrick, and I can easily justify the dreaded return of the cramps. I've apparently had fibroids all along, which most likely caused the long, heavy periods with bad cramps that I've always experienced. When my ob discovered the fibroids, she also discovered they were growing along with Patrick. By some miracle they didn't grow enough to cause any problems with the pregnancy, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say they grew enough to cause worse cramps each month. I'm crossing my fingers that the other problems are suddenly better, though. I don't know that I could logically explain those changes, but I wouldn't need to if they were changes for the better, would I?

Anyway, back to the story. I took a second dose of Midol about an hour before Matt got home. The drowsy effect took over almost right away, sending me into a half-asleep state by the time Matt got there, but the painkiller took its time working. Two hours after taking the medicine I was still ready to cry from the cramps (and probably the hormones too). Three hours later, I was finally feeling better...only to feel the cramps return yet again just as I was ready to go to sleep for the night. After two Midol-induced naps during the day, I was already not exactly feeling sleepy. The cramps didn't help anything. So I resorted to medicine yet again. I was hoping the Midol would put me back to sleep so that I at least wouldn't feel the cramps. This time, though, the painkiller went right to work, and I'm still waiting on that drowsiness.

Yep, that was over an hour and a half ago that I gave up and took more medicine. And I'm still awake. I also just now realized that I have no real point to this post. It's my way of venting to anybody out there listening that I hate being up in the middle of the night. I'm killing time, hoping giving up on trying to sleep for a few minutes will somehow trick my subconscious (and that Midol) into finally sending me to dreamland. It's about time to give it another shot; if I can't get to sleep soon, I'll end up too exhausted tomorrow to function.

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Blogger Tonya said...

Oh I sure hope you got to sleep Kathy.. nothing worse than taking care of a baby with no sleep!! Hope the cramps ease off real soon too :) *hugs*

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you're suffering. Things do change post-baby, but some of those changes probably won't last long and might not be repeated in future months. We'll hope for that. Have a good day!

Blogger Becci said...

I know about the cramps!!! Mine are horrible and always have been. Hope you're feeling better now....

Blogger Emmakirst said...

Awww, the cramps suck! I just had my first period since I had Ava and it was a killer, the cramps were so much more worse than I remembered before I was preggy with her. Ouch, I hope that it is only like this for you this month, and goes to normal next time. The joys of being a woman.

Hope you got some much needed rest too!

The pics are ADORABLE~ the one with Patrick and Matt are sweet too :)

I was reading your previous post too, OUCH on the biting! I still have a far way off (i think) from that potentially happening. :) Take care.

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