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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Apathy Reigns
TMI Disclaimer: This post contains information that is somewhat personal in nature, and those individuals who would rather not know anything that might be considered TMI would be better off skipping it.

Now that I have your attention...

So last night I was stricken with insomnia. I've had crazy sleep patterns for the last week because of a killer knot in my shoulder (that's a completely different story for another day), and after a good night's sleep Monday night thanks to Tylenol PM, last night had to be the exact opposite. I refuse to take anything to help me sleep two days in a row, so I forced myself to stick it out. I don't think the caffeine for dinner helped anything. I haven't had caffeine at all in well over a week, and it was surely contributing to the insomnia.

When I found myself still staring at the ceiling wide awake at 2:00 this morning, I decided to get up and write a blog for today. I'd had ideas chasing themselves around in my head for hours, so why not? I could have it all ready to go and then just post it today, saving myself a few minutes of free time during Patrick's nap today. I carefully deliberated every word and was quite satisfied with myself when I finally finished. Then I woke up this morning hating what I had written. I feel like I completely did not articulate the thoughts and feelings going through my mind. Instead of frustrating myself by starting over, only to likely still be unsatisfied, I'm just avoiding it altogether by rambling on about my insomnia.

Tonya mentioned in her blog yesterday that she'd been feeling unmotivated to keep up with her blog lately, and suddenly I'm feeling that same apathy. There must be a wave of that apathy traveling through blogworld like a virus. I at least discovered the reason for that apathy this morning. I woke up with killer cramps, and sure enough, I had started. I know, it's super personal, but it's kind of a momentous occasion for me, as it's the first time since having Patrick. I really can't tell if these cramps are worse than what used to be normal, even though they feel like it, because it's been well over a year since I've felt anything like this. Anyway, after getting up at the crack of dawn to feed Patrick, I took some Midol, and they really put me out. The best sleep I got was in those two hours of Midol-induced napping before Patrick woke me up for more food. (Weird dreams, though.) Now I'm still drowsy from the Midol, which is doubling the apathy the hormones are creating. I may not even shower today. I have nowhere to go, and if I don't shower, I can maybe sneak in a twenty-minute nap. I think that's incentive enough to end this boring, rambling post here. Enjoy these cute pictures of Patrick while I go sleep.

Ok, they're not uploading...stupid blogger. I may try again later...maybe...we'll see if I feel like it.



Blogger Tonya said...

Sorry about the insomnia.. I hate when that happens!

As far as the cramps.. Oh my mine are alot worse since having Randie.. and the flow is terrible!! Before Randie my period lasted 24-48 hours.. that was it! and hardly anything.. kind of like drip.. drip (I know to much information) but I wanted to let you know that mine are totally different now so maybe it is a common thing?? I hope blogger lets you upload your piccies!!

Blogger Karen said...

I was scrolling down and looking at your pictures--too cute!

I, too, hate insomnia. I have been having a really hard time going to sleep lately. It makes me so mad when I know Jenna's sleeping at night and I'm not! By the time I get to sleep, she wakes me up for a feeding. Ugggh!
Thanks for your spit-up comment--only time will tell if that's the case with us too.

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