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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
We Knew This Day Would Come
I finally got around to taking and posting Father's Day pictures of Matt and Patrick. Aren't my boys adorable?

In reference to the title, it has finally happened. What, you ask? What has happened that is as gloomy as the title suggests? Patrick figured out what those painful little white things on his gums are for. Yep, he bit me. He's bit my fingers numerous times, yet somehow never associated my immediate yelp and the subsequent removal of my finger from his mouth with the sharp, pointy things in his mouth that he had embedded in said finger.

Yesterday he was almost done eating when my mom called. I picked up the phone, and Patrick immediately smiled as though he knew it was Nana on the other end. Then to make sure I was still paying attention to him, he chomped down hard--while he was still smiling, no less. The action was most certainly deliberate. My conversation with my mom went like this:

Me: Hi, Mom!

Mom: Hi! How are you?

Me: I'm fine. OOWWWWWW!!! No, Patrick, don't bite Mommy!

Mom: (suppressing laughter) He finally bit you, did he?

Me: (suppressing tears of pain) (through clenched teeth) Yes.

Mom: (suppressing more laughter) What goes around comes around! (or something to that effect)

Ok, my mom wasn't really that rude about it. She was really quite supportive, because, you see, she knows exactly what I'm going through. Apparently I was a biter too. Could that be genetic?

By the way, he did bite me again the next time he ate, and on the same side too (is it possible he holds a grudge against that boob for some reason?), but I firmly told him no that time and gave him a little swat on the diaper. He hasn't bit me since. Let's hope that lesson made it into his long-term memory. I'm not in the mood to repeat it any time soon.

Patrick is almost out of one of his acid reflux medicines. I just got online to refill it, but it said that it was too soon to get it refilled. I guess when the pediatrician called in refills last time, they did not inform the pharmacist that they've upped his dosage on it to more than twice what it says on the label. That means he goes through it twice as fast, which would explain why they won't let us refill it yet--they think he should have another few weeks' worth left. I guess a call to the pediatrician is in order again. This really shouldn't even be an issue. How hard is it to keep the pharmacist informed about how much medicine Patrick should be taking? Shouldn't that be in his records or something? It's so frustrating to me when lapses in communication happen that are entirely out of my control, yet I'm the one who ends up going out of my way to fix the problem. So I'd better end the rant and get to it now. This issue won't clear itself up.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I really did feel compassion for you. Honest! It did take me back quite a few years and I can laugh now that the pain from your biting is long past. I hope he will learn quickly that biting isn't a good idea.

Blogger Tonya said...

Ouch on the biting!! and your boys are adorable!! they look so good together :) That sux about the medication though.. they should have been informed on that.. errr hopefully you get it before he runs out!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Kathy, the bite came sooner than I thought it might. I guess all moms have that trouble if they are still nursing when their baby cuts teeth. Patrick was lucky, Gary got a little pop on the jaw before I knew what I was doing. It can hurt for sure. Give the little
booooooy with the teeth a hug for me. LOL, Grammy

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