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Friday, June 16, 2006
A Sticky Situation
Patrick has been showing me his best imitation of glue lately. He wants to stick close to me all the time. Since I am almost always there with him, it hasn't been a problem. Last night, though, Matt and I realized how bad this problem has gotten. I had to leave Patrick in his infant chair with the toy bar, which he usually likes, in the living room with Matt for a minute while I did something in the kitchen. The moment I got out of sight, happy Patrick transformed into I'm-going-to-scream-loudly-enough-to-get-CPS-called-on-you Patrick. Remember, this was with his beloved daddy in the room attempting to comfort him. As soon as I re-entered his line of sight, he let the happy Patrick personality take over again.

In a way, I love this. I cherish the thought that I mean so much to him that I am his world. He wants me there with him all the time (something I know won't happen when he is, say, a teenager), and there are no substitutes for Mommy.

I also know that this can turn into a real problem. I can't spend every second of his life right next to him or holding him, even if this stage doesn't last long. There will be moments when I need to run to the bathroom or get something from the kitchen or, God forbid, even leave him with Daddy or a sitter for longer than ten seconds. I can't have the neighbors wondering what on earth I'm doing to my kid to make him scream like that just because I went to go move laundry.

Because of that, Matt has suggested I actually leave the house this weekend--without Patrick. Yes, we have done this before, leaving Patrick, but usually Matt and I leave together and let a grandmother watch Patrick. I've only left the house completely alone once since Patrick got home from the hospital, and that was for a ten or fifteen minute trip to the grocery store. The thought of leaving for any longer than that freaks me out a little. I don't have a clue what I would even go do that will take longer than fifteen minutes but is still close enough to be in my comfort zone. I'll have to keep you posted about what I decide to do with this forced free time.

I also wonder if part of Patrick's sudden clinginess to me has to do with the fact that he still isn't feeling up to par. I can tell his cough medicine is working because he isn't coughing or sneezing much at all anymore, but his nose still itches from time to time. That was pretty funny when he tried to wipe at it during lunch today when he already had banana around his lips. He's somewhat imprecise at hitting his nose when he has that sudden extreme urge to scratch his nose, so he hit his lips first, causing banana to smear onto his nose and somehow up to his forehead and hair too. He definitely needs a bath now. He's also super tired still. He used to stay up for about two hours at a time before getting sleepy, but yesterday and today he's been staying up no more than an hour and a half, and then just not sleeping as long at a time. He still acts like he feels okay when he's awake, until he gets sleepy anyway, so I guess it's just an effect of either the medicine or getting over the cold.

One funny story in lieu of pictures today--he was too fussy yesterday to try posing for pictures. Earlier when he was playing on the floor in his gym, I was lying next to him and had my phone nearby because I had just been chatting with my brother. Patrick saw my phone and showed interest in it as usual (it has a picture of him as the background, and I think it fascinates him). I didn't see any reason he couldn't play with it, so I handed it over to him. That may have been a mistake because it might just be his new favorite toy. The phone apparently didn't have the keyguard lock on, though. When Patrick finally tired of playing with it and dropped it in front of me, I could see he had typed in numbers (fortunately without hitting send). What exactly did my angelic little boy type? 666-6666. I just have to wonder who exactly he thinks he was going to reach with that number.

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Blogger Mandy said...

Did you see my post today? Maybe you can go for a manicure and pedicure :) bwaaa hahaaaa

Blogger Emmakirst said...

I think it probably would be a good idea to try it out, leaving for a bit. It could be because he's not feeling well either. Hope it goes well.

Too funny on the whole 666-6666 thing.

Blogger Tonya said...

Whatever you decide to do just have fun and dont worry yourself He is just going through a stage and it will pass..

LOL @ the number he called.. geeez wonder who he wanted to talk to? lol

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