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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Almost There
Finally Patrick is showing an interest in sitting up. Yesterday evening Matt was working on the back lawn and wanted company, so Patrick and I sat outside with him. Patrick scooted himself forward on my lap and started leaning forward, to the point where I had to hold him carefully so he wouldn't fall off onto the concrete of the patio. He balanced himself, though, before I needed to catch him, and he sat there completely balanced and happy for a long time.

Thinking maybe he could sit up because of the way he was balanced on my leg, I moved him to a blanket on the ground to test the theory. He didn't immediately sit up like a pro, but when I had his current favorite toy (the colorful cube) in front of him, he would get distracted by playing with it. He would suddenly realize after a few seconds that he was sitting up without any help from me and fall over on his side or back. I think that he is now capable of sitting, and even wants to, but is afraid when he discovers that he can. It really won't be long now, though, before he is sitting like a pro.
We had one of those glorious Saturday morning storms today, with all the loud thunder and bright lightning and torrential rain. They are wonderful to sleep in to. Unfortunately for the first time this morning, Patrick didn't sleep better with the rain but instead showed a little fear at the noise of the thunder. He didn't cry at least, but he was moaning and looking uncomfortable when Matt rescued him from his crib. It's interesting to see that part of his personality developing. Up until today, he'd mostly shown what made him happy and what appealed to his sense of humor. This is the first time I've seen him appear to be afraid of anything.

To update what I blogged about yesterday, I haven't snuck out of the house yet today. With all the nasty weather, it hasn't really been appealing to leave. Matt has been good about taking over a lot of Patrick's care today already, though, while I did something else in another room. Patrick should be starting to get used to having Daddy take care of him and not having Mommy around every second. Matt is such a good daddy, isn't he? I may still go do something on my own later today or tomorrow when the weather clears up. I'm still taking suggestions too. Right now the idea of getting a pedicure tops the list. Any other ideas?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pedicure sounds like a wonderful idea -- and so relaxing. Go by Starbucks and get a Chai latte while you're out. Take a good book because then you don't care if you're sitting by yourself. I've done that when I just want to get out sometimes.

Blogger Tonya said...

Oh yeah it wont be long before he is sitting like a pro :) The pics are adorable as always!!

Maybe go somewhere nice and relaxing.. take a walk... maybe catch up on a book or just sit on a bench and watch the world move around you. That is if it is sunny and warm outside :) Like your mom says as well... maybe get yourself a coffee and just sit and read a bit :)

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