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Thursday, June 22, 2006
More Randomness
Thanks to all of you who bothered to read my rambling post from three this morning. Yes, I did fall asleep, and not long after that post. I didn't sleep nearly long enough, but I'm going to do everything in my power to not take a nap today so that I can sleep more easily tonight. You'll be glad to know that I woke up this morning cramp-free. Unfortunately my tummy was very unhappy instead. I hope you are all right when you say that the first period after such a long break is usually rough but that things settle down again afterwards. I have never felt this gross with a period before. It appears that I am just too much of a baby to handle it.

Also, for the record, I really hate taking medication. I know based on my repeated references to Midol yesterday and early this morning, it doesn't sound that way. I do my best to use it as a last resort, though. I absolutely detest being dependent on pills to feel better, and as many of you have noticed, I don't always react well to their side effects. It's bothered me in the last week that I've had to take so much medicine, even if it is all over-the-counter. I'm hoping that now that the cramps are gone I can go back to taking nothing more than the usual birth control pill and vitamin every day. That's plenty for me!

Ok, enough about me. Let's talk about the much more interesting member of the family, Patrick. I think most of you remember how much he loves playing with my hair. Well, recently he discovered that he too has hair. The first time I saw him reach up to his head, it looked like he was just scratching his head, like he had an itch or something. In the past few days, this action has become quite common. The scratching is looking less and less like scratching and more like he is playing with his hair. It's also interesting to note that he reaches up to play with his hair most often while he is playing with my hair too. I think he's made the connection that they are both hair. Maybe he'll leave mine alone more now that he's found the same stuff on his own head.

I am also astounded at how well Patrick's sense of humor is developing. He can't even sit completely on his own yet (for longer than a few seconds anyway), but he instinctively knows when things are funny. He laughs when I sing him the song that starts out, "If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops," (Mom knows what I'm talking about), and I get to the silly part where I sing while sticking out my tongue. He laughs at that part every time. I'm obviously not laughing, since I'm already trying to both sing and stick my tongue out, but Patrick knows it's funny anyway. He's also started playing games of his own with me that he knows will make me laugh. For example, this morning after he had finished eating but was still lying in my lap, he would look up at me to make sure I was watching, smile big, then suddenly twist his body and dive his head into my boob, hiding his face there--except for the corner of one eye that was still watching me. He was trying to hide it, but he was smiling and laughing the whole time. He repeated the game over and over when he realized how much it was making me laugh. He thought it would be a funny game, and I verified that for him. I'm not sure how he ended up with such a great sense of humor; Matt and I both have kind of a cheesy, punny sense of humor. Maybe this means Patrick will grow up to be a comedian. That's better than our initial guess of an interior decorator!

Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot to brag about my awesome husband! Yesterday when he got home from work, I was half-asleep from the Midol and having some awful cramps. Even though he had just gotten home from a tiresome day at work, he immediately and willingly took over Patrick's care so I could go try to get a nap. Patrick got fussy, and Matt didn't bother me but dealt with it himself. He even waited until I woke up to discuss dinner, and I know he was hungry much earlier than that. I felt much better when I got up, so that extra nap was very much appreciated. I'm starting to wonder if I should have done more for him for Father's Day. I couldn't possibly have shown him just how much I appreciate him on Sunday.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could an offspring from our families NOT have a sense of humor?? I'm glad you're feeling a little better.

Blogger Tonya said...

Oh it is so cute when they find things funny and giggle.. I still laugh my head off at Randie and all the cute things she Glad to hear the cramps are better and hope your tummy feels better real soon. Hmmm maybe patrick will be a comedian :)

YAY @ your hubby.. that is too sweet!

Blogger Karen said...

He is so cute! I'm the same way about medication--hate to take it. I don't even like to take aspirin or ibuprofen for a headache. I'd rather just complain about it until it goes away. :)

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