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Monday, June 19, 2006
I have lots of little things I feel like mentioning today, so excuse the randomness please.

I just put Patrick down for his nap after watching him play very contentedly in his gym for a long time. He was perfectly happy there even when he was alone in the room playing. Every once in a while he will throw himself into his playtime so fully that it doesn't even matter to him whether Matt or I is around. Today was apparently a day to play hard. He was grabbing any toy hanging within sight and flinging it at the other hanging toys. He would grab his cube and swing it around to hit the other toys. Most of the time the gym just looked like a mess of swinging toys. The funniest is when he grabs his foot. He was using the hand-foot combination to grab and hit the toys too. (He's actually done this with my hair a few times; those toes are as good for grabbing as his fingers.) If I'd been thinking I would have gotten some pictures of the playstravaganza, or better yet, some video. He is definitely a boy the way he plays so violently with his toys.

It has been raining in Houston all morning. A lot of places south of here have flooded, but thankfully the rain here has been much more moderate. Either way, it's one of those lazy days that makes me want to just lie in bed and read a book until the rain lulls me to sleep. I doubt I'll get that opportunity, but it's nice to dream about anyway.

I never did get out of the house on my own this weekend. I had a few ideas of things I might do, but the circumstances just didn't work out for it. Instead Matt took over Patrick's care a few times while I went and took a long shower or got a nap or something. That way, I wasn't around Patrick, so he doesn't think I always have to be there, and Matt and Patrick got some daddy-boy time. I also wasn't far away if Matt felt like he needed me (you'll be glad to know he didn't). Maybe sometime in the next few weeks I'll feel up to actually leaving the house without Patrick.

Matt and I went to Target twice this weekend. Our main goal there was to find an inexpensive TV stand to put in our bedroom that would be black to match the rest of our furniture. We accidentally underestimated the size of the TV in there the first time and got one that wouldn't support the TV, so we went back yesterday to exchange it. We ended up with one that was half the price of the first but still large enough to support that big TV. It is one more thing to cross off our endless list of things we want for the house. We have such big plans for the house but have to work so slowly on getting things done that it feels sometimes like we'll never finish. I think our next priority, though, is a mattress for our guest room. We have and have had everything else for the guest room for ages and just haven't gotten around to spending the money on a mattress. That means the room has been useless since we moved in. I think we're going to concentrate on that room now until it's finished the way we want it. That way at least one room in the house will be done. I will feel like we've actually accomplished something if we can call even one room done.

I think that's all the mundane randomness I'll submit all of you to today. I hate when I don't really have a point to a post, but every so often this happens. Stay tuned tomorrow for possibly a post with a point.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with tidbits. That's just real life. I'm glad the rain hasn't been so bad for you. I've been watching the news and it looks really bad for some parts of the city.

I wanted to let you know that Dad really appreciated the post yesterday. I just forgot to show him how to leave comments. He usually just looks at parts I show him or I read him sections, so he doesn't usually get on to comment, but he enjoys the blog.

Blogger Tonya said...

I like randomness :) It tells us some information that is going on with you about different things :) I would have liked to see some video of patrick playing :) Im sure it was real cute!

You have to get out at some point and just do something for you ;) Its good to get away sometimes (I think.. i need to do it myself) lol

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was glad to hear it isn't flooding at your house. Sarah and Erin are ok too. haven't talked to my brother but think he will be too. You & Matt exchange hugs for me and hugthat sweet baby for me and give him a kiss on his pretty little head. Love, Grammy

Blogger Terri said...


FYI: A great nail place nearby is "Nails by Lee" by ChairKing and Shipley's on the south side of Fry and the I-10 access road. Their number is 281-492-8850, they only take checks and cash. My favorite girl there is "Tony" for a manicure and/or pedi or Pam or Anna for a pedicure. They are awesome and they have great massage chairs that you sit in during the pedi. Have fun on your outing!

Blogger Emmakirst said...

Yah I agree, randomness is good. That's basically my life. haha.

Sounds like he was pretty deep in thought playing around those toys. Maybe it's better to work him up to you being gone using that as your way of easing his time all alone with you. Also it'd make life easier for hubby, just in case he had an all out scream session if you did go.

I loved your father's day post too! Sweet.

Blogger Mandy said...

I am glad to see that I am not the only one with unorganized thoughts today. I like the random posts though, then I don't have to really think, I can just jot stuff down as it pops in my head.

I went to Babies R' Us this weekend and I looked at the cube Patrick has. I found a butterfly that has the same types of things on it. I am going to get it for Morgan for her birthday. I am starting to shop for that now. I want to get the girls some new toys for their birthday, I buy them clothes all the time.

Sounds like you had a very nice weekend. I am glad :) Thanks for always letting me vent and for being such a good friend :)

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