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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
More Ranting
I hate to do this again this week, but I apparently really need to vent. You may remember a few days ago I blogged about how I hate having people come over to do work on the house. I mentioned that I had to be up early today so somebody could come work on the doors. Well, the guy never showed. I was smart enough to not just get up and stay up until the guy showed, so I got enough sleep. But I'm irritated. I'm quickly losing confidence in the guy who takes care of the warranty stuff because he and his team of workers are never where they say they'll be when they say they'll be there. I'll probably go shower in a minute (I didn't even get a chance to do that this morning because I expected him to be here any moment), and that's when he'll decide it's time to work on our house. Then the warranty guy will call us again complaining that we weren't there when they showed up.

I've also been debating for days whether to take Patrick to the doctor. He's been sneezing and coughing more than normal, and I'm concerned he has a cold. He typically doesn't act like he feels bad, though, until his nose starts itching or he starts sneezing a lot, and he hasn't had a fever at all. I'm guessing this is probably just allergies or a minor cold and will run its course, but I hate to see my baby suffering. I'm trying to decide whether it's serious enough to have the doctor check it out. I was about to call yesterday when I remembered this previous appointment today. I knew if the doctor wanted him to come in, it would be today, and since we've already had problems with not being here when we were expected to (not that we knew), I figured it was best to wait a day to call for an appointment. Now it turns out I could have taken him today after all. So frustrating!

And there's more. A few days ago I mentioned my friend was looking for an apartment and that she would probably end up at the apartment complex where I lived when I still lived on that end of town. They had one apartment that fit her specifications perfectly that would be available to walk through and reserve this week. The lady who was talking with us promised she would call Cathy the second that happened. There was also another apartment available right away that was a little bigger than she wanted and on the floor she didn't want. When Cathy hadn't gotten a call by today, she took the initiative and called to ask about it. Apparently someone was grossly misinformed. The person she talked to today said the larger apartment wouldn't be available until July (if it's even the same one) and the perfect apartment was being moved into at the exact time she called. They wouldn't have any more of those available for a long time either. Now Cathy is pretty much back at square one on the apartment search. I can tell she's super frustrated. She has to move in this month too, and it is already half over. She thought she had the perfect apartment last week, and since then it seems everything has changed. I think I'm just as frustrated about the whole situation as she is.

Okay, now that I'm done complaining (at least I think I am...for now), here are some cute pictures of Patrick playing with one of his favorite toys yesterday afternoon.

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Blogger Tonya said...

Cute piccies of Patrick as usual :)

Figures the guy would not show up!! Doesn't that always happen. I cant stand waiting on people.. errr

That sucks about your friend.. I mean if someone else had taken the appartment she should have been informed right away!! I hope she finds something soon and something that is perfect for her!

Blogger Becci said...

HOw frustrating about the guy not showing up, especially after being rude to you about not being there...

Blogger Mandy said...

This warranty guy sounds like a jerk.

Cute pics of Patrick. What's he playing with, we want one :)

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