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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Patrick's New "Things"
I haven't done a post recently about the new fun things that Patrick has started doing, so I think it's high time for one. Besides, I know most of you are a lot more interested in Patrick's cuteness than my complaining.
Patrick really enjoys leaning when he is sitting in chairs or against me. I have to fight to fasten him in his high chair as he leans dangerously far forward over edge. I'm finally beginning to understand why all those straps are there! I'm wondering if the leaning indicates that he's about to try sitting up on his own more. He is still showing no interest in that yet, but I'll be less concerned about it if leaning is typically a precursor to sitting. Can anybody else out there with experience in this area tell me if my guess is right?
In answer to Melanie's question in her comment yesterday, yes, Patrick is starting to take a real interest in toys, especially the ones he can play with while lying on his back. He likes grabbing them tightly and swinging them around, and of course sticking them in his mouth to chew on them. He has a lot of toys that are best experienced sitting up, and I think he wants to play with them too--just not enough to figure out how to sit up. I'll lean him against me so he can sort of play with these, and he acts interested in what I do with them but won't do much on his own. All in time, I know.
Oh, yes, I can't forget to update on his fascination with his feet. Clearly, by this picture, you can tell that fascination still exists. He usually only grabs his left foot with his left hand, though. I think that's kind of funny because my left leg is much more flexible than my right too; I could probably still bring it to my mouth if I wanted to (I haven't actually tried in ages). And now Patrick can bring his left foot to his mouth too, at least when his diaper isn't on to get in the way. I think the leg gets a little more flexible every day too, and I doubt it will be long before that foot is in his mouth all the time, diaper or not.
Patrick is getting good about understanding Matt's and my emotions and catering his actions to them. For example, Matt came home from work yesterday frustrated. I'd been doing my best to keep Patrick happy and entertained by walking circles around the house with him so that he might be awake when Matt got home. My theory was that seeing Patrick might cheer him up. Sure enough, as Matt was talking to me just after getting home, Patrick was watching him intently. Matt glanced down at him, and Patrick laughed loudly and turned his head away and pushed it into my shoulder like he was shy. He was definitely flirting with Matt to get his attention. I think he could tell Daddy was somewhat upset, and he was going to do whatever he could to cheer him up. It's also nice knowing that he still loves his daddy that much even when he's upset.
My favorite "new thing" is his increased interest in talking that started up in the last two days. Most of what he says is along the lines of "ba," "bo," "boo," and "eth" (with spit usually). The way he combines these with his usual "ah" or "a" sounds can make some phrases that almost resemble words, though. The other day, Matt will swear Patrick said, "I love you, Daddy," all run together. Yesterday when I was changing his diaper, it sounded like Patrick told me, "Thank you, Mommy." We both know we're hearing what we want to hear, but it makes us feel better to think Patrick might be saying something even close to what we want to hear.

And I have an update on his cold or allergies or whatever it is he's had. I called the doctor this morning, and the nurse agreed with me that it didn't sound serious since he hasn't had a fever or been pulling on his ears or anything worse than sneezing and a cough. She gave me suggestions for some over-the-counter medications to help make him more comfortable until the cold goes away on its own. She also suggested using a humidifier in his room. I felt good at that one because we've already been using our humidifier. Anyway, it's comforting to know I was right in my assumption that this is no big deal and that I now have ideas for medicine to make him feel better. This first cold should be nipped in the bud before it gets any worse--and both Patrick and I should survive it easily.

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Patrick is so cute! I love the new pictures.

Blogger Tonya said...

The new pictures are great once again :) As far as sitting.. who knows maybe that is what he is going for with his leaning.. I don't remember if Randie did much leaning before she sat.. she had TONS of tummy time because we were drilled on how important it was and then we bough a bumbo seat.. she loved that.. then we went on vacation and it was so weird when we came home she just sat!! I put her on the floor on her butt as always and instead of tipping over she just sat like a and continuted to do it..

Blogger Emmakirst said...

Awww, he's so cute! I love the one with him playing with his feet.

I'm not sure about the whole leaning before sitting, sounds like that's what he'll do soon though.

Too cute on his "talking".

Glad you got some advice about what to do with his cold. Take care.

Blogger Mandy said...

Patrick reminds me of Maddy. She actually started crawling one day and sat straight up the next. Morgan is still working on sitting. I think she finally has it though. The other day when we took the watermelon pictures. That was the first time she sat straight up without balancing herself on her hands. She too just started crawling with belly off the floor. Watch out though because it was like in a matter of a few weeks we went from crawling and simultaneous sitting to pulling up and now cruising around the furniture. Our physical therapist said she thinks Maddy will be walking within a month. ??? :)

Blogger Becci said...

sounds like he is learning a lot!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Isn't he the most beautiful baby! Some of those pictures in the chair look like he is getting stronger in holding himself up.

It's good to get back and caught up with the boy!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just learned how to make my comment get to you. I love the pic of Patrick holding his foot. I never thought when we gave Matt the pumpkin chair that it would have our great grandson posing in it. Makes a good background. Love you all three. Can hardly wait to see all of you again. Love, Grammy

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