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Monday, June 12, 2006
In the Mood for a Rant
I know I've mentioned this before, but I hate when people need to come over during the day to work on stuff in the house. We bought a new house last fall, and almost everything is still under warranty. A month or so ago we contacted our warranty guy to start getting some of our problems worked on. Finally now all of a sudden he wants to take care of everything.

Last Monday, I think it was, he came by early in the morning to check on something in the backyard. He rang the doorbell several times and then knocked loudly when I didn't open the door in the first few seconds. I was completely asleep when he got there (it couldn't have been later than 8:00), so I was very upset that he woke me up, and so abruptly, that early in the morning. I was also worried Patrick would wake up. By the time I got to the door, he had gone around to the side of the house to see if he could hop the fence to get in our backyard. The Hispanic worker he had brought with him tried to explain in halting English what they were there for. I finally understood enough to go get the key for our backyard gate. While I was back in the house searching for the key, the warranty guy came back and pounded on the door again. I'd only been back inside a minute. I couldn't believe how rude he was! It was particularly frustrating because he had promised to call before coming over. He knew we had a baby, and he should know that we can't always be there every second of every day.

Then today I got a call from Matt at 8:30 to tell me the warranty guy was sending more people over, this time to actually fix the problem in the backyard. He was apparently irritated that we weren't home on Saturday when he'd supposedly told me they were going to come fix it. It sounds like Matt and the guy even got into something of an argument over whether he had actually told me he was coming on Saturday (he most certainly had not). He made it sound like he was going way out of his way to send his guys over again today, and I needed to go out right away and make sure they had access to the backyard. Matt told them they would as long as they wouldn't knock on the door and wake me up again. That meant I was out traipsing through our yard again early this morning to open the gate. As soon as I'd collapsed back in bed and started to doze off again, the doorbell rang. Of course, it was another Hispanic worker who didn't know enough English to explain why he was there or understand me when I told him the gate was already open for him. Once again, though, I was lucky that Patrick slept through it all. After that, I couldn't fall back asleep well because they were working loudly in the yard right behind our bedroom window. I am so far behind on sleep right now after getting up early all weekend and then again this morning unexpectedly.

As if that weren't enough, Matt called me on his way back to work after lunch today to inform me that the warranty guy had called again. This time he wanted to make absolutely sure that I knew he would be sending some guys over to look at the doors on Wednesday morning. That means I need to be up and dressed by some undefined time in the morning. Once again I will not be sleeping in at all. This is getting frustrating. I guess it's good that I at least know they're coming this time, but I still hate having to get up early and deal with people, men no less, that I don't know and who often don't speak English. I'm uncomfortable enough with people I don't know that dealing on my own with workers, especially ones who don't really understand me, can be overwhelming. I know it's part of the life of a stay-at-home mom, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

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Blogger Tonya said...

Oh kathy that would totally suck and sorry to hear you are not getting much sleep.. I hope they fix the problems soon so you can get rid of them and have your own time again without worrying about people coming without warning!!

Blogger Emmakirst said...

Oh I don't blame you for ranting about this! I would too. I hope they finish soon so you can get back to your own routine and not have to be bothered by them anymore. Urgh.

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