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Saturday, March 25, 2006
Baby in the Mirror
We still don't know what's wrong with Patrick, but I'm leaning more and more toward the teething theory. Last night was particularly bad. The crying started about the time he got his evening solid food. He refused more than a few spoonfuls, then proceeded to cry without stopping for hours. Lately he's been good about self-soothing, so when he continued fussing while being held, we tried putting him in his bed. The screaming only escalated, though. Matt and I both tried holding him, rocking him, walking him around the house, and any other trick we could imagine, and nothing worked. Finally we broke down and tried Tylenol, even though at the time we suspected an upset tummy. He continued screaming after he licked all the medicine off his lips (he actually likes the taste for some reason), so I tried yet again to put him in his bed and walk him around the house. I didn't find anything that worked--until I took him into our bathroom, where he gets his bath. He loves his bath because he gets to stare at and flirt with the baby in the mirror. Amazingly, seeing his own reflection calmed him down. I let him sit on the bathroom counter (while holding him of course) and smile and laugh and stare at Baby in the Mirror (as I've so creatively named him) for a long time. That distracted him long enough for the Tylenol to start working and for us to get his bedtime bottle ready. I guess as soon as the doctor will let us, we need to get him out socializing with other babies more. If he's that excited about seeing himself, he's probably eager to see other babies too. We're hoping next month he will be able to be around other kids more.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you tried giving him water when he is fussy like this? sometimes babies get thirsty just like you and I and need water.

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