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Sunday, October 08, 2006
Weekend Stories
We just got home from the weekend trip, and I'm too tired to put something extravagant together. Check back tomorrow for the story of the party, hopefully complete with pictures. I have lots of big plans for tomorrow, a doctor's appointment and finding a place for all new toys, so we'll see how the blog plans pan out. Anyway, here are just a few of the cute things Patrick did this weekend.

He was super clingy on and off all weekend. If I was in the room, he insisted on being in my arms. Matt did fine in a pinch (ok, by today he was trying to climb up his legs and arms), but he was annoyingly a Momma's boy most of the time. Matt asked him once who his favorite mama was, and he immediately reached out and grabbed Matt's face. I guess everyone is still a mama right now.

Speaking of mama, he has been using his one word liberally, and often to refer to me. It really flattered me when he opened one present to find his own copy of The Little Mermaid, and his first reaction was to touch Ariel and proclaim, "Mama!" I wish!

He made a game out of saying mama tonight, too. Trying to entertain him in the car, I repeated, "Dadadada" to him, hoping he would repeat it back to me. Each time he clearly answered, "Mamamama." So I tried to trick him. One time I said, "Mamamama" instead. Nope, my son is too smart to be tricked into saying a word he claims he can't say. He answered, "Mamamama" yet again.

The good news is that although mama is still his only official word, he has been experimenting with all sorts of new consonant and vowel sounds and combinations. He babbles to himself a lot now, and sometimes I swear it sounds like it could be real words. I suspect he's about to go through a real language explosion before long.

He spent the weekend with two dogs and a cat--and loved every second of it. He laughed at the kitty's tail as she waved it and chuckled at the dogs barking. He watched for them to run under his high chair (no doubt checking for dropped Cheerios) and reached for them any time they would run near him as he played on the floor. This is a kid who absolutely needs a puppy.

Patrick was a riot at church this morning. He was doing his best to entertain us, everything from loudly saying, "Mama!" during a prayer to grabbing the back of Aunt Ginny's shirt to poking out Uncle Nick's eye or making him eat his hairbrush (all those new toys and he wants to play with hairbrush). Halfway through the sermon, though, he cratered and had to be taken to the nursery. Still, it was fun while it lasted, and it lasted much longer than I expected.

Umm...brain fart here. What other cute stories were there from the weekend? Any of you who were there have any fun ones to contribute? I seem to have forgotten the other ones I wanted to mention.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course there were some adorable stories from the party, but I assume you are going to share those in your "party" post.

There were the precious smiles and poses every time she saw Uncle Steve and the big camera and the confusion on his face when he saw Steve without a camera!

And he also was comforted when he missed mama while she was in the shower -- by the almost look-alike sister of mama!

I'm sure there are more that others could share, too!

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