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Monday, March 05, 2007
Not Sure What to Make of This
Along with Patrick's sudden insatiable appetite has come a sudden pickiness for what foods he eats. He seems to enjoy the "big boy" foods he's been getting the last few weeks, even when he'd rather swallow them whole than chew them up. Now that we're on the second round of the foods, though, focusing on the ones he seemed to enjoy most the first time around, he's decided he doesn't have to eat everything anymore. It's beginning to get frustrating when I feed him and he knocks the spoon out of my hand with every bite, especially when he thoroughly enjoyed the exact same meal last week.

Today we tried something different when he decided he didn't want the ravioli I was feeding him for lunch. Matt came into the kitchen and attempted to feed him for a few minutes. Although Patrick was wary at first, he ate quite readily for Daddy. When I took over again, Matt was still in the room. Patrick ate everything I put in front of him. As I suspected, the whole situation was due to Patrick's stubbornness. For some reason he had decided not to eat today, even though he liked the meal. I assumed it was because he wanted something different, but it turns out it was because he wanted Daddy to feed it to him. As long as Daddy was around, he was fine.

Don't get me wrong; Patrick has pulled the "I won't eat it" stunt on Daddy too. Every time that has happened, though, it's been when we've tried feeding him a new food altogether. He's tried a bite or two and refused to eat anymore. We're much more willing to accept him turning down what is offered to him if he tries it and then decides he doesn't want to eat it.

The problem is that Matt has been feeding Patrick much more often lately to give me a break. When you add Patrick's sudden attachment to his daddy, it makes sense that he rebels against my doing anything for him. He doesn't seem to mind Mommy, but if Daddy's around, Patrick would prefer to be with him. I should probably be bothered that my guys are ganging up on me, but I love it. There's something so sweet about seeing my son want to be just like his daddy. I also know that eventually the tide will turn the other way again, and I'll miss watching my boys together then, so I'm enjoying every minute of it now.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does PaPA need to come take "The Boy" out for a steak and taters? Maybe a round of shrimp and lobster with garlic cheese rolls. Oppps, gotta go, made myself hungry. Love all!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet the two of them are really sweet together. I'm sure Matt loves being the center of Patrick's little world! :)

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