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Friday, February 16, 2007
Having a Good Day
What? Two new posts in one week? I'm on a roll!

I'm having a good day. I feel pretty good for once, and I hope this holds for the three-day weekend. With any luck, I should only have three to four weeks of this left. I can't wait for the second trimester!

By the way, keep those guesses coming. It's very interesting to see what you think this next one is going to be. For the record, I kind of hope it's a girl, just for the change, but I still have the gut feeling that it's a boy. I did have a dream that it was a girl the other night, but as Lauren said, dreams aren't necessarily accurate.

Patrick is continuing to show how flexible he is, especially on the days when I don't feel as good and have to find different ways to take care of him than normal. He seems to welcome the change instead of fighting it. I'm proud that he continues to be a champion sleeper, something I always assumed was a side effect of the medicine that he is no longer on. He will still sleep about 13 hours every night and take two naps a day. The naps are slowly but surely starting to shorten, and I suspect he'll be down to one nap in the next few months. Until then, though, I'm taking advantage of the breaks I get during the day. I usually nap during at least one of his and rest during the other. I'm very glad to be able to stay at home and get all the rest I need during the day. Working moms, I don't know how you do it!

My favorite time of day, though, is shortly after Matt gets home from work. Most days that signals when I start to feel better. Matt also takes advantage of the time he gets to spend with Patrick and me, and the three of us will sit and watch TV together for a few minutes. Patrick usually sits comfortably on Matt's lap during this time, content to just be near his daddy. He'll lean back into his chest and play distractedly with the hair on Matt's arm or his fingers while he cuddles with Daddy. Emotional as I am these days, that sight always brings a lump to my throat.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good day and hope those continue. About the naps, if Patrick takes one long nap instead of two short naps, that's probably a good thing. You'll have more time to rest and get things done in a long span of time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm also glad you are feeling a bit better. I would have to guess, just for guessing, that it is probably another boy, either way, we will be excited to greet the new member of the family. I also hope Patrick is coming along on his walking skills, maybe Daddy needs to encourage that when he is home in the evening. I seem to remember all the boys seeemed to need a little encouragement. Why walk when you can be carried or crawl?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the new Bitty Boy Holt (?) waits until Sept. 26 to be born, he would be born on his great,great granddad's birthday. Patrick's great,great had 4 boys, his great 2 boys, his grand 3 boys and his daddy 1 boy (so far) so boys kinda run in the Holt family, although Uncle Wayne had 3 girls. Kathy, we and our church are praying for you to feel much better soon.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there....great to see u blogging away. Once again your blogs are wonderfully done. It's splendid to see just how much support you have from family. Obviously you are though about and I only hope the best for you through out your pregnacy. Sounds like your little boy is getting active and growing, growing, growing. Treasure every moment. My favorite ages have been 2-5 in my kids. So enjoy you can't beet their innocent gestures and remarks. LOL on his talking back and good job on getting results.

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