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Thursday, February 01, 2007
It's Really Real
There's a real baby in there. It has a heartbeat and everything. As far as we can tell at this point, it's perfectly fine. It's so real that it's unreal.

I was playing that I was fine about the whole appointment, but I was hiding a major case of nerves. I was so afraid that something was wrong, that they wouldn't be able to find a heartbeat or a baby at all, or worse yet, two. When the sonogram began, the doctor got a funny look on her face as she stared at the screen. I nearly panicked at that moment. I just prayed repeatedly, "Please let everything be fine. Let everything be okay." And then suddenly I saw a little flicker on the screen, and seconds later a reassuring thumping filled the room, capturing even Patrick's attention. At that moment, I began thinking of a real little baby in my arms in only a matter of months.

Now, if only I can make it through the morning sickness so I can truly anticipate this baby's arrival. The doctor found out what a rough time I had with it with Patrick, so when I mentioned how bad it's been getting, she didn't hesitate to write me a prescription for the same anti-nausea medication I was on last time. I'd been hoping and praying that I would be able to avoid the medicine this time, but after the last few days I resigned myself to the idea that I needed help to make it through the next month or two. That prescription is the most valuable thing I walked away with today, after that beautiful first picture of our second baby.

The one surprise from today is that I'm not as far along as I should be. The baby measured at about six and a half weeks today instead of nearly eight. I suppose that could be a concern, but because of my irregular cycles over the past year, it's entirely possible and even likely that normal calculations based on my last period aren't the best predictors for my due date. That makes me now officially due on September 24.

In other even more joyous news, I found out last night that my older brother and sister-in-law are also expecting a baby, theirs in early October. For those of you keeping track, that makes another grandbaby in the family due in August (my younger brother), ours in September, and now this one in October. When it rains, it pours! And this is the best kind of rain there is!

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Blogger Tonya said...

Oh my I have been away too long.. CONGRATULATIONS KATHY!!! That is fantastic :)

Blogger Mandy said...

Congratulations again. I love seeing the sonogram picture. Makes me want another one :)

I don't think I would have made it through my pregnancy without zofran. I couldn't keep anything down and never did gain weight (3lbs. at very end of my pregnancy) I still have some pills leftover and when I had that bad stomach flu last winter I took them and they helped some.

What did the doc say about Patrick's prematurity. Are they going to watch you closer this time? Are they going to send you to a perinatologist?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Your parents are not going to know what to do with themselves....going from one to 5 grandkids in a matter of a three month period. It is going to be awesome all those little ones running around together at holidays and stuff. Congrats to all of you. I can't wait to see the picture of all the little ones together. Tell your brothers congrats for me.


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