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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A Letter to Patrick
Dear Patrick,

I know it's not yet time for one of your monthly letters, but a milestone so large is looming that I feel the need to start preparing you for it now.

Daddy and I found out the other day that in the matter of a few months, you will be a big brother. I know you didn't have any say in the matter, but with the new baby will come all sorts of new responsibilities for you. In fact, some of them may come sooner than expected.

Somehow I doubt you remember this, but when you were inside Mommy's belly, you caused all sorts of problems. Mommy was lucky enough to be able to lie in bed almost all day every day because of how sick you made her. Unfortunately, I can't do that this time. You and Angie require so much of my attention and care that I can't set my life aside to take care of myself and the new baby. That means that if I get as sick again, our lives may change significantly. Mommy may end up having to mommy you from bed or the couch much of the time. I may not be able to get on the floor and chase you around. If things get worse than they were when I was pregnant with you, the doctor might make me stay in bed altogether. I don't know what we would do then, if I was unable to take care of you altogether, but you might be forced to grow up fast in that case.

Even after this baby comes, you'll keep getting new responsibilities. Being a big brother is a big responsibility. You'll be a role model for your little brother or sister. He or she will want to imitate everything you do as you get older. While that will drive you crazy at times, you'll realize more and more as you get older how flattering that really is. It's a big responsibility to grow up right yourself so that you can lead your brother or sister to be a responsible kid and then adult too.

We all know, even now, that there will be times when you will wish we had never decided to give you a brother or sister. You two will fight like bitter enemies, and Mommy and Daddy will wonder what we were thinking to have more than one of you. Through all of it, though, I know you will come out as the best of friends. You will grow up to be grateful that we provided ready-made friends and playmates. I'm looking forward to teaching both you and your sibling important life lessons, such as sharing and loving no matter what.

I'm sorry now for springing this big change on you all of a sudden, because it will certainly seem that way in September when we bring home your baby brother or sister for the first time. I have faith in you, however, to naturally understand how best to be a model older brother. You've exceeded our expectations in every other way, especially when it comes to loving people for who they are, so I have no reason to expect you to fail this time. In fact, I think you will be excited when you see the new baby that I'm certain you'll claim as yours from the start.

And in case you need the reassurance, we will love you no less because we're welcoming a new baby into the house. In fact, I have a feeling loving a new baby will only remind us just how much we love you--especially when you'll sleep through the night even when the baby is crying.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Congrats!! I am sure Patrick will make a great big brother showing the new little one it all. I will keep you in my prayers knowing that the last pregnacy was rough, but well worth it in the end. Love all three of you.


Blogger Lauren said...

Congratulations, Kathy, Matt, and Patrick! How exciting :) I am excited to "share" this with you via Internet. Our due date is July 24th...what is yours exactly? I know you said September, but beginning, middle...? I know Patrick will be a great big brother. There are so many new things around the corner for us all.

Blogger Laura said...

Wow! Congratuations! Ummm, in case you're wondering who I am, I happened to stumble upon your blog through Babes in Blogland, they had up such an adorable picture of your son that I just couldn't resist coming over. I've been stopping by ever since. I really enjoy your blog! I hope you are able to enjoy this pregnancy.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your letter to Patrick, but I have a feeling Patrick's little brother or sister will arrive a little sooner than Sept. Hope you continue to feel as good as you do now, Love you.

Blogger Harmony said...

Congrats! I'm glad you have been feeling good so far. This pregnancy has been so much easier than my last so maybe that will happen for you also. Enjoy that little boy because it gets really hectic when you have two. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're pregnant... when exactly were you going to tell me?!?!?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt thats great....gave me a great laugh.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry that last anonymous was me.
Forgot to put my name.

Luv you guys,

Blogger Katherine said...

Congratulations-that is great and I pray that this pregnancy will be easier than the last one. Either way, I am sure you will be blessed! Hope to see you at Follies!! Blessings~

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy, In 9 months, you will have to think of a new title for this blog. Congrats to both of you!!
Love ya'll, Jen Holt

Blogger Lynanne said...

Congrats to you!!!! I had a September baby in 2005 and am expecting her little brother in April. I actually enjoyed being pregnant in the summer.

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my god, congrats!!!! Sorry I'm late to the party -- bloglines didn't update your feed until today for some reason. OK now, where do I list you -- September due dates, I'm assuming?

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