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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
In a Slump
I'd like to take a moment to apologize to everyone who obsessively checks my blog for updates and pictures of Patrick. I've hit a real blogging slump lately and haven't found the motivation to blog. Really, there hasn't been too much to talk about anyway. Patrick's fine. Angie's fine. Matt and I are fine. I finally have a few stories for today, though.

Patrick is officially weaned of breastmilk now. After that first day when I didn't offer to let him nurse, it was like he'd never nursed. It doesn't seem to bother him at all to drink only out of a sippy cup (although that fight is another blog post altogether). I'm doing fine with it. I feel pretty much back to "normal," as if I can really remember what that is from nearly two years ago. I'm back to wearing normal undergarments, and I don't have to wear one at night anymore! Freedom! Apparently I'm still a little paranoid about leaking, though, because I had a dream last night that I suddenly started leaking badly and the whole front of my shirt was wet. I was a little surprised to wake up to find my chest dry. I guess when it's a worry for that long, you can't just push it away that easily.

Patrick is also weaned off his reflux meds. I'd been cutting him back slowly, a minute amount of each medicine every few days, stopping the weaning if he started spitting up again. Then Friday morning I forgot to give him his meds altogether. He didn't spit up. I tried it again on Saturday, and he only spit up once, just a little one. I haven't given him any meds since then, and he's fine. It's great knowing that Patrick is no longer reliant on medicine of any sort. I think I've gotten more of a glimpse into the real Patrick, the non-medicated one. He's a little more amiable and fun to be around.

And here's a great story about Angie (catch the sarcasm):
Last night we had to make an emergency trip to Petsmart in the freezing cold to pick up some more training pads for the corner of her pen. She had used up all the ones we bought before already. Since we were only going to Petsmart, we decided to bring her along. She's cute and fun to show off, after all. On the way there, she suddenly got sick to her tummy, leaving a mess on the blanket we keep in that car for when I get cold on trips. I guess at least it was on the blanket, not the car, but ewww. Then she growled and snapped at me when I attempted to keep her from eating the mess. Stupid dog. To make matters even worse, on the way home, just a few minutes later, her tummy started working the other way and she pooped all over the blanket. It was a bigger pile than she usually leaves, of course, and it was stinky. Matt and I were picking up dinner at the time, and the combination of the food smell with the poopy smell was too much to handle. We had to just find a nearby dumpster to get rid of that blanket before it made either of us sick. I think secretly the blanket was relieved; it probably didn't want to see what else the puppy would subject it to anyway. Next time we might just leave Angie at home.

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Blogger Lauren said...

Wow, I have been so out of the loop since our holiday travel and then our computer dying. You got a dog! She is so cute. Patrick is really growing, too. Congratulations (although it can be a sad congrats) on weaning Patrick. That is a big step. I know your pain about the diaper rash; Will had that last week. Dr. Smith's is a great one :)

Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great that you were finally able to get rid of the reflux meds! Patrick continues to make great strides. He acts like such a "regular" little guy. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news about Patrick, sorry to hear the story about Angie, I'm sure she didn't mean to upset the two of you, she is just a baby herself afterall. Hope things continue to go well with Patrick.

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