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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
A Painful Step
Now that the diaper issue is all but over, I'm no longer worried about Patrick's fluid intake. That's the only reason I still nursed him the other day. I'm ready to wean.

So yesterday when the poop returned to normal, I cut him off from nursing. Today was the second day without it, and we're both coping fine. I don't know that Patrick even realizes anything has changed. He's easygoing enough that he'll nurse if I offer, but it doesn't make a difference to him if I don't.

I'm handling it well too, both emotionally and physically. I miss that cuddle time with him in the morning, but he's already finding new ways to show me affection. He'll crawl up to me randomly while playing and lay his head on my lap for a few seconds or he'll pull up on me and want to be held for a few minutes. That may not be quite the same as nursing, but it's an okay trade-off.

Physically I'm a little bit uncomfortable, but not in the kind of pain I expected. I guess my strategy of weaning him a little at a time seems to have helped. In a few days, it should all be over, and I'll be back to a normal size. It will be so weird to pull out pretty bras again and put away these purely functional nursing bras. I'm already planning to celebrate by getting something new. Thank goodness for these Victoria's Secret catalogs I keep getting and ignoring!



Blogger Tonya said...

glad you are both handling it good :)

Blogger Anita said...

It's a step in the right direction I nursed to and I thought my son would have a harder time but he didn't, it's time for you to take back your body and enjoy yourself, your son is beautiful and doing just fine now.

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