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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
On the Go
Despite being on vacation in a pretty sleepy little town, we've been on the go a lot the last few days. Yesterday we met Gigi for lunch (poor thing had to go back to work already) and then left as soon as we got home to go hang out at Matt's grandparents' house in Odessa. As soon as we got back home from that visit, we left to go out to eat with Matt's brother and sister-in-law. By the time we finally made it back home to stay, Patrick was exhausted. He'd only had one short nap all afternoon, in the car on the way to Odessa. He didn't even fuss the tiniest bit when we put him to bed.

Today we met Gigi for lunch again, but some of us ( slept really late and weren't ready to go on time. At least she got caught up doing something and just barely beat us to the restaurant. Patrick has had lots of opportunities to try new solid foods with all the eating out. He's almost certainly put on lots of weight finally. Oh, and he loves mashed potatoes. I might just have to figure out how to make those for him.

It's been fun watching Patrick with the dogs (kitties!) today. He's interested in the puppies and Mitzi, the full-grown miniature schnauzer, but he has a downright fascination with the big dogs. He constantly crawls for Zeus, the doberman, and Leda, the pit bull mix. It cracks me up that both of them are more hesitant around Patrick than he is around them. Zeus actually runs from him. This morning the two were play fighting, and Patrick watched with a big grin on his face, laughing loudly at their antics. I think I would have been frightened if I hadn't known they were playing, and Patrick thought it was hilarious.

I actually took some pictures yesterday. You may notice there aren't pictures here, though. I realized today that Matt had formatted the hard drive on this computer to install a new operating system, and all my familiar editing programs are gone. Rather than deal with an unfamilar downloading routine, I'll just wait until Matt sets the computer up the way it used to be. Hey, at least the picture posts will give everyone something interesting to see on the days that I don't have as much to write about. Unfortunately, they probably won't happen until after we get home this weekend. Sorry! I'll try to keep taking pictures anyway, though, even if nobody will get to see them for a while.

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Blogger Ginger said...

Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy hearing all the stories about Patrick (and you and Matt too). I didn't realize how much until you didn't blog for 5 longgg days :) I told Tricia to tell you I was in Patrick withdrawal!!! I would give anything if there had been such a thing as a blog when Grant was growing up and I could look back at all the moments of our lives like you'll be able to some day. No matter how routine or mundane you feel the "story" is that you post you will appreciate having done it some day. Keep up the great blogging. I love it and feel like I "know" Patrick more than I possibly could without this blog. I can actually "see" Zeus and Leda doing their thing and Patrick laughing and wondering what in the world they were doing. By the way, you're gonna love having a schnauzer. Gary and I have had schnauzers for over 20 years now and they are GREAT dogs!!! Love y'all, Ginger

Blogger Harmony said...

I'm glad you guys are enjoying "the sleepy little town." We got back Tuesday because I had to go back to work also. Enjoy your last few days of vacation.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun with the new puppy. I'll bet she and Patrick grow up to be great friends, especially with Patrick's fascination with animals.

I'm glad you had a great holiday!

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