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Monday, January 08, 2007
First Diaper Rash
It all started when Matt and I noticed Patrick seemed a little "off" this weekend. It wasn't anything specific, but enough that we both recognized something wasn't quite right. Then last night I changed an ickier-than-normal diaper. When I gently wiped the poop off his tush, it was bright red underneath. I pulled out the Balmex we got at Patrick's shower long ago, and carefully covered the red spot.

Patrick didn't sleep very well last night, waking up to cry regularly. Matt and I even got him up to comfort him and check on him before we went to bed. I wondered if his belly was hurting him again, but there wasn't much I could do about it but comfort him. So that's all I did.

This morning, he had another loose diaper. It had apparently sat in the diaper for a long time, so his tush was even more red and sore by the time I got him changed. More diaper rash cream and more screaming from Patrick.

That was the last loose poop (although he had several more normal ones) until just a few minutes ago. I'm working to trick Patrick into drinking more fluids than normal because I'm a little worried about dehydration. I'd be more worried if he acted like he didn't feel good more than during the diaper changes. As it is, right now he's playing happily, like he doesn't have a care in the world. He has no symptoms other than the gross diapers and the diaper rash. I guess I"ll take a wait-and-see approach since nothing appears to be that bad right now.

It kills me to change his diapers right now, though. The gross diapers aren't as bad as I would expect them to be, and spreading the cream on his butt isn't too nasty. The part I hate is that even gently touching his diaper rash makes him break out in the worst screams. It breaks my heart to hear him hurting and know I'm causing it, even when what I'm doing will help the hurt in the long run.

Is there any advice from you other mothers that may have dealt with diaper rash before? I know what the books say to do, and I'm trying to do that, but that's not the same as hearing tricks from you who have experienced this firsthand.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the memories of when Grant had diaper rash!!! We would try everything to get rid of it including some prescriptions. Then I discovered plain old Zinc Oxide. Worked every time and was FAST!!! Try it if nothing else seems to help. I also remember being told to let him go without a diaper and "air out". Tried that and he just peed everywhere -lol. My heart goes out to all of y'all. Love y'all, Ginger

Blogger Heather Noel said...

No diaper for an hour and it will start feeling better, granted he might pee, but even a doctor will tell you the best thing for a diaper rash is air. Maybe when he's asleep lay him on a couple of towels...I hope he gets to feeling better soon. Keep an eye on it though, if it gets to bad go see your doc, because it can become a yeast infection. Yeah, boys can get them too.

Blogger Mandy said...

Sorry I am late posting this. We use Dyprotex. It is sold at Walgreens and it comes in a box. Each cream is in its own little disc and each one has a little puff to apply it with (so no messy hands and it goes on thick). Works within hours. I use it on Maddy even when the prescription stuff won't work and the cream clears it up between one diaper change and the next. We have also put her in cloth diapers before to let her air out for a bit without peeing all over the place. That doesn't work as fast though. Our pediatrician told us one time to use crisco on her because it won't burn but will keep the diaper from touching the red skin. I don't advise that. We did try it and she screamed and that made me worry terribly that it did burn and was hurting her. So if you get that advice I would ignore it. Hope I've helped some for the future. Miss talking to you. Catch me soon if your online :)

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