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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Prepare for the Cuteness
Matt should be landing at the airport very, very soon. I can't wait! I spent most of the day cleaning so that he could come home to a clean house (and son and wife...I'm even wearing make-up!). If you know me, that's a big deal.

Patrick's sleep patterns have been wacky today. He woke up at 5 this morning but wasn't upset. I just heard talking from his room that woke me up. I probably should have checked on him, but he didn't sound like anything was wrong. After a few minutes, the talking stopped, so I went back to sleep. He took a morning nap, but it was incredibly short. Then he fought his afternoon nap. I gave up after listening to him fuss for about an hour and got him up and got him a snack. An hour later, he was comfortable relaxing on me, so I figured he was tired enough to sleep...finally. I was right, and he's taking his afternoon nap now. Although it was frustrating while he was fighting that afternoon nap, it will turn out well. He should be wide awake when Daddy gets home. That's exactly what I was hoping for!

At last, here are the Christmas pictures I took yesterday. I had to trick the computer into letting me save them, but it did, so we must not be out of hard drive space yet. Cross your fingers we'll have enough left to get us through vacation until we can back up the earlier pictures on CDs.

Interesting things to note that will make me grin when I look back at these years later:
1. His hat doesn't quite fit that enormous noggin. The 6-9 months outfit fits fine otherwise, but the hat is just kind of balanced on top of his head.
2. Again with that lens cap. It bothers me some that it shows up so prominently in almost every picture, but I know I'll love it years from now. It says so much about his personality at this age.
3. He looks just like a little doll in the second picture. We have a picture of me when I was a baby (a little younger than he is now, I think) where I also looked just like a doll.

Cutest Santa ever! He says, "Merry Christmas!" (Actually he's been working on, "Ho, ho, ho." It sounds more like, "Hotta, hotta, hotta," right now, but he's getting there.)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures, even with the camera lens cover in them, they are precious!! I just want to grab him up and give him a big hug! What a sweet little angel boy.I can't wait to see all of you for Christmas. Love to all

Blogger Karen said...

You took those yourself? Very cute! You're right--he does look like a doll in that second one.

Blogger Heather Noel said...

Love the pictures...I couldnt get one of Tanner awake with the hat on. Patrick sure is a cutie.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love them!! The pictures do look professional, and Patrick is the cutest Christmas elf I have ever seen.

Blogger Tonya said...

the pictures are adorable :) He does look like a doll in the second pic.. too cute!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures are darling. Please send me all 3. If you sent them to Gary will get them from him. I don't have any recent ones to show off. Counting the days until Christmas. Love all 3 of you.

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