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Saturday, December 02, 2006
Hard Heads and Strong Wills
Patrick would never let you believe it, but he most certainly understands the words, "No" and "Stop." He's heard them enough today for sure. Unfortunately, understanding and obeying are two different things. I am so frustrated now; bedtime is a welcome relief.

I guess the worst is that he's started gritting his teeth again, just today. It's worse than it was the last time he did it because he has more teeth now. I'm pretty sure it's from teething (the left upper molar finally broke through the gums today), but that doesn't keep it from being just as annoying. He now giggles when I stick my finger in his mouth to make him stop. Telling him to certainly doesn't make any difference.

I'd love to encourage such persistence, as it will be a good trait to have later in life, but it's difficult when he's so persistent about disobeying. Everything I told him not to do today, he persisted in doing anyway until I was forced to hand down a more severe punishment, which naturally made him scream at me. My patience has been worn down completely.

On a lighter side, Matt pointed out something interesting last night. Patrick had woken up screaming at about 10:30 and wouldn't be happy unless I was holding him (we think it was some painful gas). Matt really scrutinized the two of us as we paced the living room floor and suddenly stated his observation: "You know, he's half your height." At first I laughed at the obvious exaggeration, but then I realized he's right. I'm five feet exactly. Patrick was 28 inches at his last appointment, and is probably closer to 29 or maybe even 30 by now. Thirty inches is two and a half feet, exactly half my height. That's insane! No wonder I have so much trouble carrying him around very long these days, as well as keeping him from diving right out of my arms.

By the way, blogger still doesn't want to upload those pictures from yesterday. I'll try again tomorrow...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is really testing your patience.Stay positive! You are a great mom. It is funny that he is half your size though.


Blogger Tonya said...

I know how tough it can be when they test your patience.. hang in there Kathy.. it does get better the more they understand, I think they will always test our patience though :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids really do have a way to know just how far they can push. Then they also seem to know just when we need a break and suddenly they play the perfect and sweet card. I guess it's all part of learning limits. He likes to please just as much as he likes to push your buttons, so I'm sure you will win the battle of wills in the end! :)

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