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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I Love Good Days
Today was a particularly good day. Patrick was well-behaved and a joy to be around. Most days aren't bad, but days like today remind me how good things can be. Unfortunately, good days give me a limited number of interesting stories, even fun ones. Instead I'll do a meme I was tagged for some time ago and haven't gotten around to. Thanks, Heather!

This is the six weird things about me meme. Do I need to describe it for you, or is the name descriptive enough already?

1. When I smile, most of the teeth you see aren't real. The four middle teeth on both top and bottom are bridges. There are stubs of teeth under some of those caps, but they hold on the fake teeth bridges to span the gaps where I don't have any permanent teeth. I hope Patrick didn't inherit his teeth from me!

2. I am obsessive about some of the weirdest things. For example, all of my books are separated by genre and then alphabetized by author's last name within the sections, just like a library. My clothes are also arranged by colors in the closet, and it annoys me that Matt's aren't arranged the same way.

3. I have to sleep covered up, with at least the sheet. It makes it hard to sleep in the summer when the air conditioner can barely keep up with the oppressive heat and humidity. It's great in winter, though!

4. I'm always about two steps behind when it comes to trends. I've missed the first season (or two) of all the popular TV shows, and I catch fashion trends at the tail end of them. Until my sister got a blog a couple of years ago, I didn't even know what one was, much less have one of my own. For that matter, how many years has this meme been circling cyberspace before I finally got around to it?

5. When I was in high school, I used to paint my fingernails crazy colors, like bright blue or olive green. I still have most of those jars of nail polish, but I refuse to use anything but red or pink anymore, and those only on my toenails.

6. I can't stand to watch TV with the volume turned up any louder than it absolutely has to be. It drives me up the wall, and I have to fight turning down the volume on other people's TVs sometimes.

Now I'm supposed to tag six more people to do this meme, but here's another interesting fact about me: I hate to impose upon people to do something just because I did (not a trendsetter, remember?). So if you haven't done this one yet and want to, consider yourself tagged.



Blogger Tonya said...

glad you had a good day with Patrick and great list :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know all these things about you. I like the TV volume low also but I have to remember sometime that I'm not the only one in the room. I guess you will have to wait until Christmas to hear more about meme.

Blogger Shana said...

I'm totally with you on numbers 2, 3, and 6. Unfortunately my husband is a TV blaster, so we have Volume Wars on a regular basis.

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