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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Busy, Busy Boy
It's been a long day with lots of activity. It started early this morning when I had to wake Patrick up for the first time in a long time so that we could all get ready for church in time. Sleepy as he was, he still made it through church pretty well. We didn't have to take him out even once. I'm quite impressed with him. It took all four of us and any number of toys (and random items that can turn into toys, like pens and papers) to keep him entertained, but he was good with all that entertainment.

After church, he was still ready to socialize. He grinned at everyone we stopped to talk with and everybody who glanced at him as they walked by. The cutest was when he saw another little baby girl. She was certainly cute, and Patrick noticed. He gave her the biggest grin and kept reaching for her. I'm not sure exactly what he wanted, but he was most definitely flirting. I guess that technically would be cradle-robbing, though, since she was only five months old. Maybe in a few more years Patrick...

I got most of the afternoon to myself, surprisingly. When Patrick woke up from his marathon nap, Daddy, Nana, and Grandpa took him on some errands, giving me some time alone for the first time in a long time. I was taking my own nap when they returned, so they continued to babysit instead of waking me up. I have the best family! Apparently he was still pretty well-behaved without me around.

We headed back to church tonight for my parents' church's candlelight service. My parents were participating in it, so there was no way we were missing out. Patrick was a little harder to entertain tonight, though. He only had Mommy and Daddy, and we weren't interesting enough. He really wanted to play with the candle, lit or not, and proceeded to throw a hissy fit when we wouldn't let him have it. He also wanted to sing when nobody was singing (really just loud jabbering). The music and lights and dramas fascinated him, though, and we hated to take him out of the auditorium for much of it. I guess it's not too bad that he missed only about ten minutes of it.

By the time we got home tonight, he was pooped. We could barely get dinner in him before he was ready for bed. He cried for only a minute, just because he feels obligated to, I suppose, and then he was out. He's not used to all this activity!



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