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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Human Jungle Gym
I love that Patrick is mobile, but it's starting to get annoying that his preferred location to practice this mobility is on me. I spend most of my afternoons and evenings sprawled out on the floor, avoiding elbows to the face, hair-pullings, eye-pokings, and grabs at sensitive locations. If I dare get up off the floor, I have a toddler-sized shadow frantically crawling after me. He cries when I sit down and scrambles up to me, pulling himself up on my legs until I finally reach down and pick him up. Then he cries and squirms until I set him back down on the floor.

Obviously, this cycle gets old really fast. Tonight it was so tiring that I gave up and put him to bed a full hour early. The fussiness was excessive; he refused to be satisfied until he was crawling all over me again, and I just couldn't bear to be a jungle gym for him any longer.

Putting him to bed early probably isn't a big deal every once in a long while. I may not like myself much in the morning, though, when he wakes up a full hour earlier than normal as well. I guess that's not too bad, considering he's slept until after nine the last two days. I'm loving this new medicine schedule, especially since it means I get to sleep late too.

The funniest story from today happened this morning at breakfast. To keep him from fussing after I strapped him in his high chair, I shook his mostly empty fruit puffs container for him. He was pacified by the noise, so I handed it over to him. The lid seals pretty well, so I wasn't worried about him doing anything other than shaking it. Nope, I underestimated Patrick. I glanced over a few seconds later while I was mixing his cereal, and there were fruit puffs all over his tray and the lid was in his hand. Apparently the lid was more interesting than the container itself. He'd dumped all the rest of the fruit puffs in his high chair and on the floor.

I would have been annoyed at him for making a mess, but it was just innocent fun on his part. It was my fault I hadn't anticipated he might get the lid off and dump fruit puffs everywhere. Instead I laughed at him, shrugged, and swept the kitchen floor. It needed sweeping anyway, I suppose.

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Blogger Karen said...

Wow...I already feel like a human jungle gym, and Jenna's only 7 months old. So this is what I have to look forward to, huh? :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right there with you. Last night my back was killing me and I made the mistake of laying on my back on the living room floor. You would have thought they were at the park, climbing all over me and squealing with delight. I was okay with it till Morgan grabbed a huge chunk of my already tender hair and then wouldn't let go. By the time I got her to let go and got up I was so angry I started crying. And also the girls have started to want to be on the couch everytime I sit on it. They can almost climb up by themselves but not quite. So they pull up and grunt and if I don't help them up they throw a huge tantrum in the middle of the floor. Driving me crazy. But I love 'em (the girls not the tantrums) :)

Blogger Tonya said...

as soon as you started telling the story I knew he would get the lid off... clever little man!! And I know the jungle gym feeling as well.. lol

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