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Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Poopy Patrol
Matt has voluntarily stepped up to poopy patrol duty this weekend. The last few mornings I've woken up to Matt bringing Patrick into the bedroom to see Mommy. By that time, he's already changed, happy, and ready for breakfast (Patrick, that is...not Matt). It's a wonderful surprise not to be greeted by a smelly poopy diaper first thing in the morning. Usually I attend to the poopy diapers whether or not Matt's around because I've grown immune to the grossness of it while it still bothers Matt a lot. That makes the gesture even more sweet, knowing how distasteful this chore is to Matt. Isn't my husband wonderful?

I finally have some interesting news to report today: Patrick cut another tooth this morning. That's right; with absolutely no fussing or whining about it, Patrick woke up for lunch with another tooth. He didn't have one early this morning and did by noon. I guess he thinks he's a pro at this teething thing now, so this new tooth didn't bother him in the least. I hope the rest of the teeth come in this easily. It still just astounds me. We had no signs of an impending tooth like last time--no fussing, no excessive drooling, no imprint of a tooth under the gum, nothing. By the way, it's one of his top teeth, the right middle one. If what I've read is right, he's right on schedule with every tooth so far. At least he's on track in something.

Matt, Patrick, and I have no 4th of July plans. I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but we're enjoying another lazy day. It doesn't bother us at all; it's good to have quiet family time. It's a nasty, rainy day outside anyway, and it would be much more disappointing to have exciting plans rained out than to not have any to begin with. Matt is considering cooking hamburgers for dinner, although not grilling outside, so at least we aren't shunning all good American traditions. We're also dressing patriotically too, not that anybody will actually see us. Well, I guess everyone will get to see Patrick's patriotic outfit, since here are some pictures of it:

Thank you, Gigi, for thinking months ahead to get Patrick a special outfit for the 4th of July! Matt and I never think about these things until the last minute. I guess we should start shopping for a Halloween costume now before everyone sells out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick looks really excited to have such a generous Gigi! Isn't he a proud American??

Blogger Tonya said...

How adorable in that little outfit!! How patriotic.. and how sweet of matt to be on poopy patrol!!

Blogger Becci said...

We had a fairly lazy 4th too! It was GREAT!

Blogger Mandy said...

Way to go Matt!

I love the outfit. I dressed the girls all patriotically yesterday too.

I made the girls halloween costumes last year while I was in the NICU because they were so small that I didn't think I would be able to find a preemie costume. I am excited at all the options we will have available to us this year.

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