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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Thirteen Months
Dear Patrick,

Today you turned thirteen months old, one of those seemingly inconsequential milestones. Yet you celebrated by reaching several milestones of your own.
For the first time today, you took your first few unsteady crawling steps, real ones on your knees, not the army crawl you've mastered in the past week. Even better, those steps were straight towards me. When you reached my legs, you followed through with your determination to figure out this mobility thing by pulling yourself up all the way to your feet, entirely without assistance from me.
Since then, you pulled yourself up several more times while I was attempting to take photos of you in the orange chair. You gave Mommy a bit of a scare because I was worried you would fall right off the chair, but you have better balance than I realized. Before I know it, you'll be standing on your own, and then walking away from me on your chubby little legs.
You've also proven this month yet again how stupid your parents are. I'd forgotten that the older and bigger you get, the more food you need. As a result of a fortunate mistake, you ate almost twice as much as usual for lunch one day this weekend. When Daddy and I realized you could eat that much, we increased how much we feed you at every meal. It seems to be working because earlier today you tipped the scales at 17 1/2 pounds for the first time. When you go see the doctor on Thursday for your weight check, I'm sure you will impress him with that weight gain.
While I am thrilled for all your accomplishments in this past month, it kind of saddens me at the same time. You can crawl away from me almost as fast as I can chase you, and that's not even an "official" crawl yet. I don't know how I'll ever keep up with you when you can walk. This newfound mobility is a huge step, but yet another one away from me. I'm thrilled with how eagerly you use that mobility to get to me, but more and more you will be crawling away from me instead. It's a stark reminder that you are growing more independent with each day that passes, and you'll need your mommy less--or at least in different ways--in the years to come.
But the one good thing that has come with your mobility is a new sense of wonder at the world. Objects you had only been able to see from a distance before are suddenly within your grasp. I love to watch your face light up as you find yourself able to reach something new and interesting. I hope you are always so eager to try new things and excited by the results. I hope that sense of wonder at the simplest things in life follows you even when you are too old to let others know how awesome things like touch lamps can be.

Above all this month, my love for you has grown even faster than you have. I feel that same sense of wonder every time I look at you and realize I love you more today than I did yesterday. I wonder how my heart will ever hold it all years from now. I pray that someday you will get to experience love like this.



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, Patrick! I'm so impressed at how fast you are learning to use those arms and legs to explore your world. What a strong little man.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick, you really are learning alot these last few weeks, and growing so fast! Thanks Kathy for the letter to Patrick it is always so good to hear how much he has accomplished in your letters. I wonder if one day when he reads all this, if he'll wonder why I ever thought he would call me GiGi??

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