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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Another Food Post
I guess it's been a while since I updated you about the progress Patrick's made with feeding lately.

1. We have started weaning, ever so slowly. Patrick was showing less and less interest in two of his four nursing sessions each day, so in the past two weeks, we've eliminated those two. He still nurses first thing in the morning and before dinner, but I suspect he'll give up the dinner one before long, too.

2. He has discovered he loves both eggs and waffles. I'm not too surprised about the waffles; they have a just-sweet-enough taste that I figured he would like. The eggs caught me off guard, however. Matt had cooked some for himself in a patty--like you would get in sandwiches from fast food places--because they were soft enough for him to eat that way. When there was some left, I thought I might see if Patrick liked it too, even though it was getting kind of cold by that time. Despite the temperature, he devoured all of it. I think he liked it even more than the waffles.
3. We're still feeding him as much as he will eat, doing our best to stuff him. It's become a fun challenge finding out what he will eat. We're also looking for foods without empty calories--the more fat, especially good fat, the better.

4. The last time I weighed him on our scale was a few nights ago, and he still weighed 17 pounds, the same as the last time I had weighed him. This time, though, the scale seriously considered settling on 17.5 pounds. That means it is at least a few ounces higher than the last weighing. We'll find out for sure the new "official" weight next Thursday when we go back to the doctor for a weight check.

Unrelated to eating, Patrick is even closer to crawling today. He has mastered the army crawl quite well and can maneuver pretty much anywhere he wants to go--and fast. I know it's nowhere as fast as it will be when he can crawl properly, but he's already keeping me on my toes. I hope we get the baby gate/pen we ordered soon. We're going to need it! He's also getting himself up on his knees more and more, mostly when he has something to prop his arms or belly on. I think he knows that's the next step before a real crawl.
In the waning spirit of Halloween, don't you love this picture? It's not quite the glow of a jack-o-lantern or anything, but it has the same creepy feel, doesn't it?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures look like Patrick really enjoys play time. I know he is getting very busy, and the more mobile he gets, the more he will keep you hopping. That's a good thing, though! (Keep telling yourself that.) :)

Blogger Tonya said...

Cool pictures and OMG that is the cutest cow I have ever seen.. lol Love the glowing picture as well. Great to hear he has mastered the army crawl .. it wont be long now!! Look out mommy!!

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