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Monday, November 06, 2006
Grateful for Balance
For the first time today, I caught Patrick up on his knees rocking back and forth. When the prospect of actually moving that way seemed too daunting, he went back to his tried and true way of crawling instead. Still, from everything I hear, that's one more huge step towards true crawling.
For the most part, today went much better than yesterday. Patrick stayed in a great mood pretty much the whole day. He was actually a joy to be around. I didn't realize how much I'd missed his smiles and giggles during his whininess yesterday.
(By the way, Gigi, the jeans seem to fit fine. They even have a little growing room!)

The problems we're having clothing-wise are with some of his onesies. Apparently some of the baby clothing-makers have determined that the average 6-9-month-old is roly-poly, with a big belly and still pretty short. Patrick is the "model" to the average kid who wears this size clothing, way too tall and skinny to fit most of his onesies. That's why you may notice the onesies from yesterday and today seem to be falling off him. They're simply too wide everywhere, even though they only barely snap around the bottom. It's an interesting problem I never expected to have.
I've been debating all month whether to continue with my monthly letters/updates for Patrick. I know a lot of blogging mommies continue them at least until they're two years old (I can't recall too many after that). I don't particularly like doing something just because it's the popular thing to do or because it's expected of me, so I've been fighting doing the monthly update since everybody else does it. But then I started thinking how when I first started these monthly updates, they were for my benefit, and possibly Patrick's future benefit. I'm going to do something very unusual for me and not bother with what anybody else might think. I want to be able to look back years from now and see Patrick's developments and my feelings for him for this month, and I want Patrick to be able to see the same (if he cares then). So I'm going to keep doing the monthly updates anyway, even if part of me feels like a lemming, doing it just because everybody else does it. If it bugs you, just don't stop by tomorrow!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

ejptmKathy, I know it takes time to blog and you must get tired of it, but I enjoy it so much I hate to think of you not doing it.
We can keep up with Patrick's progress in what he is doing and how he is growing. The video of him crawling was so cute. LOL

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that in your letters to Patrick each month I also get to see you grow as a mom. If you still enjoy the personal notes to the boy, then go for it!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy, I read your blog again and realized that you were talking about the monthly blog. i think it is really nice because the grandmothers can copy that one and have a record of what he did and when he did it. Besides I think the letters to Patrick are very sweet I'm sure his wife will enjoy them some day. Love to you 3.

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