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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Bad Photographer
I might be pretty good at taking the picture this week, but I'm having a rough time downloading them. The zoo pictures are still on the camera. I've had several good opportunities during Patrick's long naps today, but when I reached for the thing I use to download them (I'm not the technical one in the family), I remembered it was in the camera bag still--that's right, the camera bag in Patrick's room. Unwilling to risk waking him up, I've postponed that task yet again.

At least today was another fairly relaxing day. Patrick and I both got three-hour morning naps. He got another long afternoon nap while I helped my mom cut noodles. Noodles are our family's favorite holiday tradition. My mom makes the best homemade noodles from scratch. They end up basically as a gravy over the mashed potatoes. All the female relatives present gather in the days before Thanksgiving to cut the noodles. It's time-consuming, but a fun tradition and social time.

This evening, Matt, Patrick, and I headed back over to his aunt and uncle's house to visit with them and his grandparents who had just arrived in town. We had dinner over there again. We are all going to get fat this week at this rate. Good for Patrick...not so much for Matt and me. Patrick had fun with his aunt, uncle, and grandparents. Once he got his belly filled, he was a bundle of energy and personality. He enjoyed laughing at and crawling to the "kitties" there: Kirby, Matt's aunt and uncle's dog, and Tootsie, his grandparents' dog.

Since we got here on Friday, Patrick has learned lots of new things. Not only can he identify a "kitty" (anything that walks on all fours, apparently), but he recognizes one of Nana's bears and can kind of say bear ("ba"). He also repeated the word "up" earlier. I'm not sure he knows what that one means yet, but he likes the word. He is also now crawling on all fours most of the time and only falling to army crawling when he gets tired or close to his destination.

The sweetest thing happened earlier today. I was back in the bathroom getting ready for the day when I heard him crawling around the foyer area with Nana, at the end of the hallway where the bathroom is. I peeked around the corner and watched him. When he looked up to see me looking at him, he got the biggest grin on his face and immediately started crawling at top speed on all fours towards me. He hadn't crawled there before and is usually hesitant to crawl new places--and on the unfamiliar tile floor. But he knew it must be okay if Mommy was waiting at the other end. We were both so proud of him when he got to me. I don't mind this crawling business so much if he crawls to me like that.

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Blogger Tonya said...

awww Patrick is such a sweetie! Sounds like a fun tradition really.. the noodles and all and I bet they taste great!!

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