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Monday, April 03, 2006
Spring Forward
I have to admit that I really don't like the time changes. I usually put up with the one in the fall better because I get that extra hour of sleep, and let's face it, I like my sleep. But when "spring forward" rolls around, I dread that Saturday night for weeks. I have to start acclimating my body to make up for that lost hour of sleep several days early or it will take about a week to recover (which is definitely what happened this time). This year was different, however. I've been actually looking forward to this weekend's time change for months. I was more than willing to give up that one hour for one night because I knew it would most likely buy me an extra hour of sleep for weeks to come. That would be because Patrick wakes up at dawn almost every day for his first feeding, regardless of when he went to sleep. If dawn happens an hour later, then he wakes up an hour later.

That theory worked like a charm yesterday morning. I was awakened by screaming at 7:45, just as the sun was peeking over our back fence, easily an hour later than usual. It still felt like 6:45 to me, but if that wake time continued for weeks, it would feel much better than the previous 7-ish wake time. Of course, that didn't happen. Today he woke up at 6:45, what felt like 5:45. The far eastern horizon was just starting to turn gray. It was way too early for me to wake up, especially since my body is not coping well with the time change (I was still tossing and turning at 2:30 this morning). I was really expecting the time change to trick Patrick into sleeping later, and now I'm disappointed that it appears not to have worked.

Saturday Patrick started eating applesauce. He apparently likes this just as much as the other fruits he's had. We've been very fortunate that no foods so far have reacted badly with his system, and he hasn't refused any either. I'm hoping that continuing to introduce them slowly will prevent too many of those reactions.

I have a fun story from Patrick's dinner time last night. He was eating applesauce, and as I always do as I feed him, I was repeating what he was eating with almost every bite. "Do you want more applesauce, Patrick?" After a little while, he started talking between bites. He has done this before, mostly spitting the food left on his lips. Last night, though, he added another syllable. It sounded like, "Ah-ba-goo." The more he said it, the more it sounded like, "Apple gone." So I started repeating, "Apple gone?" And he would answer with "Ah-ba-goo." He has said other three-syllable words since, but not this one. I wonder if he'll say it again tonight when I feed him applesauce again. That would be a bit too coincidental to brush it off. It's certainly not his first word, but, well, coincidental.

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