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Saturday, April 22, 2006
The Center of Attention
To clarify on the subject of Patrick's feedings, I did not intend to imply yesterday that Patrick will not be eating squash or sweet potatoes ever again. I am not exactly excited about encouraging squash vomit or sweet potato diarrhea, not only for Patrick's health but also because that's yucky to clean. I know these are not allergic reactions, but instead signs that his system cannot handle them well yet. In a few more weeks when he has had more time to get used to other veggies, his system may have matured to the point where squash and sweet potatoes go down easily. By then it is also quite likely his tastes will have matured so that he will eat them more readily too. I'm sorry I didn't get that point across well enough yesterday.

Yesterday evening Matt and I went out to eat and then on a shopping trip to Sam's, of course bringing Patrick with us. I was repeatedly reminded how much fun it is to take Patrick places. He's fun to show off. He's a very well-behaved baby, especially in public, and without doubt the cutest and most adorable baby ever (not that I'm biased), all of which attracts attention everywhere we go. We'll hear comments about "that cute baby" from complete strangers in the line at the grocery store, at any restaurant, at church, and even while we're taking a walk around the neighborhood. Yesterday we even had a neighbor stop his car in the middle of the road and get out to chat with us for a few minutes during our walk--I get the feeling it was just to see Patrick. I guess it's a good thing Patrick hasn't developed stranger anxiety yet; instead he'll smile and grin at anyone, making them feel special. Although I'm typically the kind of person who doesn't really want to attract much attention, it's fun when it's attention because of my sweet baby. Praise him all you want; it's like you're complimenting me!

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