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Saturday, April 08, 2006
100th Post
It looked for a while like my hundredth post would coincide with Patrick's six-month birthday. I'm glad now that it didn't so that I could focus yesterday on his birthday, yet still celebrate the occasion of my one hundredth post. Suddenly I don't know what to do to celebrate having written one hundred different posts. That doesn't seem terribly important. Instead I'll write a pretty typical post. Just remember that it's special because it's the hundredth.

We've decided to rename Patrick's giraffe already. I realized the other day that I never wanted to repeat the phrase, "Look! Patrick's kissing Johnny!" So his favorite toy is now Joanie the Giraffe, and it is a she. We chose the name Joanie because it sounds a lot like Johnny, and it is the name of one of his (and our) favorite nurses from the NICU. He's started not wanting to go anywhere without Joanie once he has a grip on her. When I picked him up after playing in his gym, Joanie was dangling from his hand. He didn't want to let her go. Now she only doesn't follow him to bed or to eat. Almost any other time, he can be found hugging her.
Patrick has been gaining weight again and is currently in that void between sizes. He can still fit into most of his 0-3 month clothes, although they're starting to get tight, and he is just barely able to wear his 3-6 month wardrobe. He graduated to the new size on Thursday. I decided it was appropriate to have him wearing the correct size for his age, if only for that one day. Actually, I guess the sixth month is considered a transition month based on the way the clothes are sized. Either way, he is wearing clothes intended for his age, and I consider that a major accomplishment. That also means that I once again have incentive to pose him for another round of pictures in each new outfit.
This is one of my favorites among his new outfits. I'm not so sure I like what the lime green does to his skin (I can't really wear that color either), but it's still an adorable outfit. Matt and I think it's particularly appropriate for him to wear. Two of our nicknames for him are Snugglebug and Squirmy-worm. He was certainly being a squirmy-worm as I was taking pictures!
He's also growing more and more attached to us. I think he's about to go through another huge developmental spurt, because he's sticking closer than ever. The past couple of days, he hasn't wanted to take a nap unless he was on his daddy's or my belly while we patted his back. It's not that he doesn't need the sleep--he acts like he's exhausted--it's just that he doesn't want to be left alone in his room if he's at all awake. He just wants to be held. I'm sure part of it is that he's still teething, but he doesn't have any other symptoms that suggest the pain is worse than normal. I think he's just going through an attachment phase. It's great that he's so super cuddly right now, but every so often it would be nice to have some time with both my hands free.

And this is one of my favorite pictures I took yesterday. The camera settings got messed up somehow, and I didn't notice right away. The lighting made most of those first few pictures unusable, but with a little editing, this one turned out great.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's beginning to look like such a big guy! Thanks for more pictures.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the black and white also.

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