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Thursday, April 06, 2006
Our Little Jaybird
I hear this is pretty common for babies, especially boys, but Patrick has developed an affinity for one outfit in particular--his birthday suit. He usually gets excited when I start changing his diaper, until I start to put another diaper back on. Then he kicks and fights and often screams, trying everything to delay being covered as long as possible. He also loves his bathtime. Any time I start to undress him, he gets really happy, even if he was screaming before. He stays perfectly content until I start to dress him again. I have a feeling Patrick would be thrilled if I let him stay naked all day. It's getting warm enough that I could probably do that part of the time. I'm just a little worried that might get messy, without a diaper or anything. I see days coming when that diaper may be all he wears. Something tells me he wouldn't mind!

Patrick was fussy for a while again last night. He acted sleepy but only screamed louder when we put him to bed. Matt felt bad for him, so he got him back out of his room and held and entertained him for quite some time. Patrick was so much happier playing with Daddy, especially when he could see me too. Of course I had to get some pictures of my boys being so cute together.

Here are the boy and his daddy laughing together. Patrick was squinting at the camera's flash, but as much as he didn't like it, it didn't take away his smile.
This is about the time Patrick started getting sleepy. He snuggled up into Daddy's chest and got comfortable. I caught him mid-yawn here. Don't they look content together?

By the way, I'm hearing stories more frequently about people I don't know reading this. All of you out there who know me through Matt or his parents or my parents, or if you just stumbled across this by accident, please feel free to comment. I've heard several times that you don't feel comfortable commenting because you don't really know me. I don't care! If something strikes a chord with you, let me know. Now start those comments coming!

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Blogger Noel Green said...

Hi, Kathy:)
I went to LCU with you, though I never knew you well. I found your blog through the Prather's blog a while back. I love seeing pictures of your little one and hearing your stories. Now, I'm hooked! I read your blog daily on my 'blogroll' and I enjoy it thoroughly.

Thought I'd say 'hi'. You may have already seen our site, but it's if you're ever interested in seeing random picutres of our life.

Best to you!
Celeste (Scott) Green

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