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Friday, March 10, 2006
As expected, all chaos has broken loose this weekend. We are in Dallas for my brother's wedding, along with half the country it seems, who are apparently somehow related to either my family or my new sister-in-law's family. It's just about midnight, and this is the first chance I've had to try to blog all day. It will have to be a short one.

Patrick is handling all the new people fairly well. He's been very curious about all the activity, watching as people walk near him and staring at whoever is holding him. It's comforting that he is still partial to me and Matt, though, as well as his grandparents (both sets). I'm glad he recognizes us that well and is comfortable around us. These new experiences must be somewhat overwhelming for him at times. His usual daily routine includes two familiar faces and the occasional drive-through-window operator's face or the grocery store cashier's face. Seeing this many new faces in a day, especially faces he's related to, is a big deal for him. Despite a few crying spells most likely from exhaustion as much as overstimulation, he enjoyed being social and meeting all the new people. I still have no idea where he could have inherited his social skills; they are far superior to either of his parents' social skills!

One more side note for tonight, and then I must try to get a few hours of sleep before the chaos returns in the morning. I've noticed the number of comments on the posts decreasing while the number of visitors to the blog is not. I want to take a moment to encourage anybody reading this to take a moment to comment. While many of the current comments are from family and friends, I welcome anybody to leave a comment (especially the family and friends who I know read this but haven't commented yet). It's very encouraging for me to continue writing every day when I have feedback. Thank you to everyone who does comment regularly!

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Blogger Katherine said...

Hey, I wish I could be there for the wedding, but I am going on a Spring Break campaign to Denver to work with the Dry Bones ministry!! I am WAY pumped, but sorry I will miss you!! Hope you have a wonderful time-God bless!!

Blogger Lauren said...

I hope the wedding went well! Congrats to your brother :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

definition of Christy family gathering: chaos ;)

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