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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Some Updates
I have several things to update everyone about today.

  • After bragging about how great and happy Patrick was all day on Monday, he followed up with an incredibly fussy day yesterday. Any time he wasn't crying, he was sleeping, except of course for the relatively small amount of time he was eating. I actually missed him yesterday, as he spent much of the day in his room sleeping.
  • I heard from Patrick's pediatrician on Monday. They had received the interpretation of the data from Patrick's apnea monitor. Yes, after I specifically asked them to send the data itself to the pulmonary specialist, they still managed to send it to the wrong place. At least they didn't lose the data this time. I'm quite sure their interpretation is wrong, though. They said he'd had six bradycardia attacks (where the heartrate drops too low) in the few weeks' worth of data they had. If that was true, he would need to keep the monitor for probably another month to prove he was truly past having those kinds of attacks. I'm suspicious, though, because I only remember the monitor going off because of bradys a couple of times, and they were all in one night. They're rare enough that I remember them well. I watched him during these "attacks" twice, I think, and they were certainly not real brady attacks. I've held him when he's had real ones, and he did not act the same way. Twice that night, I found his leads not connecting correctly; one lead was barely stuck to his belly the next morning (they're supposed to be placed just inside his armpits). I doubt they were real attacks so much that I'm trying to get the pulmonary specialist to do his own interpretation to see if he agrees with the interpretation we already have. I'm still reluctant to take Patrick off the monitor, even though I'm sure he's ready for it. For some reason, I just can't go against medical advice, even if I know it's ridiculous.
  • Last night, I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up looking at all the pictures of Patrick I have saved on the computer. I was specifically looking for really bad, blurry pictures that I could delete; they're taking up too much memory. It was a lot of fun, though. I have a lot more really good ones than I remembered taking. I suppose that because I could only post so many of them here, I forgot about all but the best from each photo session. Sorry, this is a pointless story, but I just had to brag about all the cute pictures I have of Patrick.
  • Here's one more picture from yesterday's photo shoot. His face looks different than I've ever seen it in this picture. I think it's the way he's looking at me, with his chubby cheeks and that hint of a smile on his face. I really wonder what he's thinking when I see that look in his eyes. The picture kind of looks old-fashioned, I think. It looks like it could just as easily be a picture of his daddy maybe. I don't know what it is; I just like the picture. So enjoy!

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