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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Random Happenings
Here are the interesting tidbits that have happened since yesterday:

  • We changed rooms in the hotel. Our non-smoking hall and room reeked of smoke, and it was making all of us sick. We called to complain, and they offered to just give us a new room. This one doesn't smell like smoke and is actually quite a bit larger. It was somewhat chaotic trading rooms because of how spread out all our stuff had gotten in only two days, but now that we're settled again, it's even nicer.
  • Because of the new setting, it unsettled Patrick, and he had a rough night. He once again regressed back into demanding a middle-of-the-night feeding. He woke up fussing several other times during the night too, so none of us slept too well again. At least he's a happy right now.
  • Matt took me shopping last night to find some lighter clothes. We got some good deals at Wal-Mart. I actually found capris that fit--and like capris, not pants! Pretty decent for not even trying them on. (If you don't know me well, I'm somewhat vertically challenged and have been searching for capris for years, real capris, not capris that fit like pants.) Of course, today it's been cloudy, drizzly, and a little cooler. I'm still wearing my new short-sleeved shirt, though. Everybody here must just think I have no idea how to dress for the weather.
  • Patrick and I went shopping after lunch today. Matt remembered to leave us the car keys today, so we took advantage of being able to leave. We didn't shop for long because by the time we got to Kohl's, it was almost time for Patrick's next feeding. He also fussed most of the time we were there. I still managed to find one really cute onesie for him. Ok, the truth is that I found LOTS of cute clothes for him, but I had to limit myself. We have limited funds and limited room in the car for vacation purchases. This onesie was just too cute to pass up, though. I'll have to post a picture of him in it later.
  • The other big news of the day is going to turn into more of a rant. A week ago, Patrick had his appointment with the specialist to determine if he still needs his apnea monitor. The doctor couldn't give us a definite answer then, so he said he'd let us know by Monday at the latest--yes, the Monday that happened two days ago. I called them back today to find out what the doctor's answer is. After getting the runaround several times, I was finally able to leave a message with his nurse. She called back several hours later uncertain of why we hadn't been called yet--but she didn't have an answer for us yet. A few hours after that, she called again to let us know that the doctor was still waiting on information from the people who rent out and take care of the monitor. And those people say the information they need isn't in their system. If they can't find that information that they guaranteed me would get to the doctor ASAP, Patrick will be bound to the monitor for at least six more weeks. (They currently have one week's worth of information from the monitor, one week has passed since then, and they won't make a decision without at least eight weeks' worth of data.) We've already had issues with the monitor people, so if they have made Patrick stay on his monitor at least six weeks longer than necessary, I am going to be much, much more frustrated than I already am.

Ok, I think that's it for news. Maybe I'll find a few minutes later to add another picture or two. Patrick has graduated into a larger size clothes, so I have to get a picture of him in each new outfit. I'm sure a few will be good enough to post.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are getting the run-around from the monitor people. Well, squeaky wheels... you know the rest. They HAVE to have the info there somewhere. It doesn't just disappear. I'm sure it will work out.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I priority mailed a box of clothes today, you should have them when you get home, I hope. If not let me know. There are more coming shortly, Papa has not gotten to shop yet. I promiss no leather. hehe

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