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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Real Food, Here We Come
Stage 3 foods are a go. The last time we were at the grocery store, Matt and I picked up one jar of Gerber's stage 3 food just to try it once. We've heard lots of stories of other kids who refuse to eat them, so we didn't have high hopes. In fact, we haven't heard even one story of kids who like stage 3 foods. Still, we thought we should try it just in case Patrick was the weird one; it would be a lot easier to transition to "real" food if we can go through stage 3 foods first.

The first few bites Patrick got, he gave me the strangest look. It wasn't that he didn't like it, but that he had no idea what to think about the food with chunks in it. I was afraid that meant he was going to refuse it, but after giving him some time to adjust to each bite, that bird mouth flopped right back open, eager for more. I think he was almost disappointed when it was gone and he had to eat normal applesauce. I always knew Patrick was weird, but I'm relieved that this is one way he's weird. I guess we'll need to hurriedly finish the rest of the stage 2 food we have so we can stock up on stage 3 food now. I also think we'll get a little less careful about what we feed him off our plates. He can handle almost any food fine, I think. Just like when he was in the NICU, he's more than ready for the next step in feeding long before we think he possibly could be.

By the way, there have been no more "wee-wee" episodes like yesterday, even though I risked leaving him a diaper baby again last night. The next time he decides to give his diaper the slip, though, he will learn the consequences of his action mean he will always have to wear his much-hated clothes.

Instead of taking pictures yesterday, I took some video of him playing for those of you who haven't gotten to watch how well he sits and plays now. (The video was with our still camera, so it's not very good quality, but it's not bad, considering.) In this video, Patrick is starting to figure out his toys. He knows that he can drop toys in the top of his shape sorter, even if they aren't officially shape sorter toys. He can also pull toys out the same way. I love that during the video, he pauses at one point to look up at the TV to watch Jeopardy. I can just envision him thinking, "Who is Hera?" And when it's confirmed, he goes right back to playing.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't watch the videos on my computer. Have any suggestions how to make it work, Matt? Can Patrick wear a 6-9 month onesie now. I got him one. Have 2 books I bought when he was just a twinkle in his daddy's eye. Will mail them tomorrow if at all possible. Love you guys. Ooooooooour baby is getting to be a big boy.
Love, Grammy

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is just too cute. Thanks for the vidio, it helps to see them.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sure knows what he wants to play with. I love how he goes from one toy to another, to the TV, and back to the toys without missing a beat!

Blogger Mandy said...

OOoh the shape sorter trick is really good. Our OT went on and on about how great it is for them to do that. She wants the girls to be doing that soon. Right now they are more concerned with dumping the shapes out than putting them in it. So the fact that Patrick is doing it already and he is younger is a great thing to be proud of him for! Way to go Patrick :)

Blogger Tonya said...

that is sooo adorable and he is doing great picking up his toys etc.. what a clever little guy!!

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