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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I Like Shiny!
Lately Matt and I have noticed Patrick developing a real affinity for bling. When I change his diaper, he grabs at my hand and my wrist, specifically to get my wedding ring and watch. He often does the same thing to get Matt's wedding ring, class ring, or watch. It's probably just that the shiny is attractive to him because it's different. I suppose it's also possible that he just wants to grab at our hands, and these shiny spots on our hands make something interesting to grab for.

I realize the story isn't that interesting. It was mostly an excuse to use this title. It's kind of a family joke. I forget the exact circumstances of how it started, but it came from Matt's boss. On some personality test (I think that's it), one question asks your favorite color. One of the choices is "shiny." From there, it developed into the phrase, "I like shiny!" to indicate someone less than brilliant who would list shiny as their favorite color.

I worked really hard yesterday to get some more interesting shots. I love the ones with his sippy cup that came out. In the first one, it looks like he's trying to play peek-a-boo with it. This shot below was specifically to show his profile. I never realized quite how massive that forehead is, nor how prominent his chin is.

Yesterday, Patrick had another bad spit-up day. I don't think he likes squash as much. It had been awhile since he'd had any, so he must have forgotten that it agreed with him last time. As I fought the frustration at cleaning up yet more spit-up, I realized something. As bad as yesterday was, it was still light-years better than his good days from several weeks ago. One or two fairly large spit-ups in a day used to be unheard of; five or six was more typical, and that's not even counting the numerous small ones. That certainly helps put things in perspective when I get grossed out about smelling like sour milk (or carrots, or squash, etc). It's clear that we've come so far. I need to stop worrying about the current small spit-up, because it's been so, so much worse, even a few short weeks ago. And I am quite certain now that we are on the downside of the spit-up phase that has lasted far too long.

Some of you may have noticed that I almost always center the pictures I post. It really isn't simply a stylistic choice I've made. I've seen other blogs that have pictures on the right or the left and wrap text around them, and I've been wanting to do the same thing. For some reason, I just couldn't get mine to do the same thing. Then all of a sudden today, it dawned on me that I had never tried the right or left buttons in the upload pictures box. "Hmm," I wondered. "What happens when I do this?" And voila! It works. Why didn't I try that earlier?

"Don't even think about taking
my sippy cup!"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last picture really does look like Patrick is pretty serious about his sippy! I don't think I'd want to cross him! :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad he is so fond of his sippy cups. I guess some time I get lucky:)

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